Page 107 of Scarred Queen

He slams his body back into the seat with a huff, scanning the road in front of us. “Where are you taking me?”

“Out of the city. From there, Dominik and I will find a place for you to go.”

I’m sure Dom already has ideas. He’s had this contingency written up from the first day Jasper reappeared on my doorstep.

Jasper blows out a shaky breath. “You’re going to kill me.”

If he was anyone else, I might.

“I’m not going to kill you. But you can’t stay in the city, Jasper. You’ve been inside the Bratva. You know too much. You have to go.”

Desperation rolls off Jasper in waves. “You can’t do this to me. I have nowhere else to go. No one I can trust.”

“You can start over. It’ll be good for you to get away from all the things that pulled you into this life in the first place.”

Maybe a better friend would’ve sent him packing years ago. But I thought I could help him. I thought he could survive the way I have.

His hands are shaking in his lap. His entire body is trembling. “That’s not what I want.”

Suddenly, he lunges for the wheel.

I yell for him to stop, but he’s screaming over me. “Pull over here. You have to listen to me!”

He’s jerking on the wheel, and we’re swerving all over the road. Dominik is just behind us now, his lights blinding me in the side mirror, but there’s fuck-all he can do.

With one hand commanding the vehicle, I pull out my gun and aim it at Jasper’s temple. “Let go of the wheel or I’ll pull the fucking trigger.”

He recoils back like I already shot him, cowering against the door. I barely recognize the man anymore.

“You’d actually kill me?” he asks in a tiny voice.

“I don’t want to. I’d wish it hadn’t happened every day for the rest of my life.” I don’t lower the weapon. “But to save my ownlife? To make sure I get home to my family? Absolutely. I’ll kill you if that’s what it takes.”

The breath leaves his body in a sharp burst, his arms going limp at his sides. It’s reassuring enough for me to lower the gun to my lap.

The street lights whizz past as we pick up speed, closing in on the city limit. Dominik was right behind us, but he’s falling behind.

I tap the brakes to give him time to catch up—but nothing changes. In fact, the needle on the speedometer inches higher.

What the fuck?

I try again with a little more pressure.

Still nothing.

My gaze veers to Jasper. He’s pressed against the door, white-knuckling the edge of his seat. Sweat is beading across his forehead.

“What the fuck have you done, Jas?”

He keeps his eyes fixed on the road ahead. “Slow down. The road’s wet ahead.”

He’s not wrong. A slick sheen of water coats the road ahead of us from a storm that’s just passed.

“Blyat’!” I hiss, stomping on the brakes hard again and again and a-fucking-gain.

But there’s no point.

The brake lines have been cut.