She’d felt so bad and she’d blamed Dally’s dad for months.
Somehow he was at fault even though she never let him plan Christmas because he bought too much and always bought what she thought were the wrong things. No one had the heart to point out how unreasonable that logic was…for several reasons.
“Yes.” Daddy nodded. “Lists are going to be important and if I’m supposed to contribute at Christmas, we’re going to start making that list now.”
It was April.
“Okay, Daddy.” He didn’t like waiting until the last minute. “I can do that.”
“Wonderful.” He actually looked relieved. “Once we have the list and information in place, we’ll hand some of that off to Grace. She’s very good at buying gifts unless you want to handle it.”
Before I could respond or figure out what to ask about his family’s stuff, his eyes went wide. “I didn’t have her buy anything for you, though. I have done all your shopping and will continue to do so in the future.”
“Daddy? My toys are in the living room.” How had I just realized that? “What does she know?”
Leaning back, Daddy was very quiet for a few moments before he nodded slowly. “Yes, we can talk about that.”
He’d thought I’d already realized it.
“I…I’m not that big most of the time when we’re together at the house.” I was either little or we were naked. Neither of those times was a point when I used a lot of logic. “And the big times we’re having sex.”
Daddy frowned, clearly not having thought of it that way. “You’re right.”
It was fun watching him just figure something out, but he worked through problems fast.
“She doesn’t open any packages unless I’ve specifically asked her to or she’s ordered something for the house.” Daddy started at a good place and my heart rate slowed. “She understands my condition. It’s not something that I can always hide, especially when I’m home.”
Oh, I hadn’t thought about that either.
“I’m glad she understands.” I was trying to be subtle but Daddy laughed. “I don’t think. You always make me not think.”
I wasn’t stupid…he just turned my brain off.
“It’s okay. We should’ve talked about this, but I don’t know when it would’ve come up.” Shaking his head, Daddy sat straighter. “Never mind, we’re doing it now. Okay, she knows about my condition. She’s probably guessed that I’m on the more interesting side of things because I have restraints in my closet that she has to have seen.”
I wasn’t sure if I was glad about that or not.
“Well, if…if restraints don’t make her uncomfortable, then toys should be fine?” Hopefully, they’d be fine. “Um, has she said anything?”
“No.” Daddy blinked a few times. “But we do have wipes all over the house, Milo. She’ll notice eventually.”
“And…and I’m not always that big.” Wait. “I’ve been big around her so far, right?”
Daddy made my brain not work again. I just couldn’t remember, so I was glad when he nodded. “Yes. A full grown-up and even when you’re cute like you were earlier, you weren’t little.”
I could handle being cute.
Yes, that wasn’t bad.
Daddy needed someone and Grace was nice.
“She likes you, baby.” Daddy kissed my nose, chuckling when I scrunched it up. “Not done worrying yet?”
“No.” I needed more time to obsess.