I managed not to laugh but my chest jerked as I fought it back. “You’re welcome, baby.”
His low grumble seemed to have something to do with me being a brat, but it was low enough that I wasn’t completely sure what the insult had been. “What was that?”
Huffing softly, Milo was fairly quick when it came to distracting me. “Do you have thoughts on asking for other things, Daddy? Other things like…well…grown-up things?”
I loved the way he talked around my question, carefully not admitting that he hadn’t been asking that question.
“Other things like dessert? That can be a grown-up thing.” He couldn’t decide if he wanted to grumble more or giggle, so I had to keep teasing him. “Oh, you mean laundry and grown-up chores around the house? Eventually we’ll have to talk about that, but while we’re pretending I’m not going to talk you into moving in with me, I don’t think we need to worry about it.”
We could keep procrastinating on that for a while.
Giggles won that time. “We have to be dating a month before you can officially bring that up. For now, you can just hint and come pick me up most nights.”
“Deal. No takebacks.” Since he was little a good bit of the time, I didn’t feel the need to sound terribly adult. “Now, what else could you be talking about?”
His laughter was almost silent but I could feel his body shaking as he held back the happy sound. After a few minutes, he let out a breath slowly. “If we can have sex tonight, I’ll let you tell Victor first that we’ve talked about moving in together.”
“Deal number two.” And since he’d brought it up, I didn’t have to worry about rushing him on that front either. “You were planning on bottoming?”
The part of his neck I could see was bright red, but he nodded. “Alright then. Do you need a few minutes in the bathroom?”
His groan was short but drama-filled. “Yes, Daddy.”
His limits list indicated he’d do cleansing types of stuff with me if I wanted it, but it wasn’t my thing, so I kissed his head. “I’ll give you some privacy then while I get a few things organized. Then I’ll meet you upstairs.”
Milo went still for a second before little Milo peeked out. “Are you gonna make my lunch again?”
“Yes.” I wasn’t sure where his mind was at, so I answered him as thoroughly as I could. “I need to leave a note for my housekeeper, I’m going to get your diaper and jammies ready for after we clean up, and if you toss these clothes out of the bathroom, I’m going to run a quick load of laundry.”
It wasn’t a glamorous list but they were the top things on my mind.
“I’m your list, Daddy.” Snuggling closer, he slid slightly deeper into his little headspace and made a happy sigh. “My lunch and my clothes. All my stuff. Am I your note?”
Chuckling softly, I nodded and kissed his head. “Yes, I wanted to make sure she knew you might come over when I’m not homeand to make sure she gives you complete access to the house. We’re getting the house rekeyed with an updated password on the keypad and new physical keys but my locksmith had to go out of town unexpectedly.”
“Your family has keys, don’t they?” My silence made him giggle. “I knew it.”
“I do not want them walking in unexpectedly, so yes, new keys all around.” And new rules for the staff that came in to clean. “But yes, you’re my list because you’re the most important thing to me.”
Family was hard but decision-making was not.
I couldn’t control other people’s bad behavior as much as I wanted, but what I could control was how I dealt with my own feelings and behavior…and right now what I wanted most was Milo.
“Thank you, Daddy.” Straightening, Milo kissed my cheek and bounced back. “Don’t distract me.”
“I won’t promise that.” But I let him escape because his laughter was adorable as he ran through the house. “If you fall, I’ll have to check for injuries and that means we’re not having sex.”
The thud that echoed through the house was quickly followed by Milo’s voice calling out. “I didn’t fall. The wall moved.”
“If I hear another thud, I’m going to start questioning that explanation.” Laughter covered up what might’ve been him agreeing with me, but it was hard to decipher.
He managed to make it quietly through the house the rest of the way, so I counted that as him still getting sex and started working on my chores. Lunch. Note. I worked my way throughthe list, finally closing the laundry room door and heading upstairs again.
I’d done more laundry in the past four days than I had in years, but I wasn’t planning on confessing that to Milo. He was already having fun poking at the rich guy, and I had no desire to give him even better ammunition.
“Ready or not, here I come.” Calling out through the house like an ogre wasn’t terribly adult of me, but Milo’s laughter said he didn’t mind.
“Stop being cute. You’ll distract me and I’ll end up little.” He was giggling, so I wasn’t sure how seriously to take his drama.