“I…I met a little friend one time and his Daddy was like you. Not smart like you but had milk like you.” His Daddy had been kind of grumpy and not smart like my Daddy. But that was okay too. “He said it made him feel happy to cuddle with his Daddy and have special time.”

That sounded like the best kind of Daddy.

“I’m glad you think I’m smart.” Daddy kissed my head again and snuggled me tight. “I can understand why it would make him feel special. I like the idea of taking care of you in a special way.”

Me too.

“I want a happy Daddy too.” I had to shrug when Daddy pouted. “I want cuddles and kisses and to wiggle on your lap.”

I showed him how I could wiggle and part of him got excited again. “I’m a good wiggler, Daddy.”

“Baby…” Daddy closed his eyes and he got even more excited. “You’re going to kill me.”

“Nope. Can’t die from that. Dally’s mom said so. ‘Blue balls won’t kill you, so don’t do anything stupid.’” She’d said she’d bury our bodies at the back of the property too. “But you’re cute when you’re dramatic, Daddy.”

I gave him another kiss as I wiggled. “Lots of excitement tonight.”

So we didn’t need to make Daddy nervous.

“Fuck, that’s…wait.” Daddy said another naughty word and opened his eyes. “You’re deliberately distracting me.”


Having a smart Daddy was going to be a lot of work.

Maybe I should’ve hoped for a stupid one?

“Don’t you like my wiggles?” No lying didn’t mean I had to tell the truth. Dally’s dad made sure we knew that…but he’d taught us that before he knew we liked other boys. It still seemed important, though. “I like wiggling.”

Daddy groaned but stayed focused. “You are sneaky.”


He was so sweet.

“Thank you for getting excited, Daddy.” Yes, that was a better answer. “I like wiggly cuddles.”

“One of us is smart and stubborn.” Daddy grumbled but he was so cute I wasn’t worried. “I’m not too worried, baby.”

“Of course not, Daddy.” Hmm. “Do you have cookies? I like cookies.”

They’d only had grown-up desserts at the special restaurant.


“The restaurant, Daddy. I forgot to say thank you for making me special.” More cheek kisses for Daddy. Back and forth. “I like being special.”

Daddy groaned again but he was stubborn too. “I want to make you feel as special as possible, so you’re going to stop distracting me and let me try to have special cuddle time with you.”

Daddy was going to make my tummy funny if he wasn’t less brave.

“I know either of us can safeword at any time and I’m not going to get upset at you if something feels weird to me.” Daddy seemed to know all my big fears and some of the little ones too because he just kept going. “It’s okay if it makes one of us excited but not the other. It’s okay if one of us gets excited and the other just gets cuddly and falls right asleep.”


I’d be a good sleeper.

“I like naps, Daddy.” He needed more kisses, so I gave him one on each cheek. “But…but I don’t think I’ll sleep right now.”