Chapter 1


“This is the dumbest idea you’ve ever had. This is worse than the time you dragged me to the swap meet to find a guy.” Some ideas online were fucking jokes and weren’t meant to be taken seriously. “This is going to explode in my face.”

Or worse…I’d end up being ignored and looking stupid.

Yes, that would definitely be worse.

“You’re such a pesticide…no, pessimist.” Shaking his head, Dally frowned. “It’ll be fine no matter what it’s called.”

He was such a?—

“Now, don’t be afraid to explain you’re a little and you’ve got kinks. That will make them feel much more confident about talking to you.”


No, that wouldn’t.

“Tell me you’re kidding.” Please God let him be kidding. “Is that what you did when you came last month?”

Dally snorted. “Of course not. I’m not a little.”

For fuck’s sake.

He must have been dropped one too many times as a baby.

“How do I let you talk me into stupid shit?” It really had to be his superpower. He was some kind of lunatic superhero whose fantastic ability was to talk people into dumb stuff. “This is ridiculous.”

“This is going to be amazing and you know it.” When I sighed, my idiot best friend glared at me. “Don’t make me prove how hard you are.”

He was such a dick.

“We’re in public.” He had severe impulse control issues, so that probably wouldn’t stop him, but at least I could tell the cops this time I’d tried. “I’m not calling your father to bail you out again. I’ll call your mother.”

He knew better than to ask me for money.

I had common sense, not cash.

Well,usuallyI had the common sense.

“Did they throw you out last time and you’re just using me to get in?” How had he been invited back? “Did you lie to me?”

He’d said he had a great time and he’d asked if he could bring a friend.


I was the friend he dragged with him to do stupid shit.

“No.” Glaring at me and looking confused enough that I felt better about the answer, he shook his head. “You’re so weird. I’m very cute and easy to get along with. Even straight guys don’t mind me.”

That was because they couldn’t understand him and usually backed away slowly.

“I’m going to tattle on you to your mother about where you’ve been meeting men if this turns out to be terrible.” Families only seemed to be really helpful around major holidays and when threats needed to be applied.

Growing up in foster care hadn’t really shown me anything else they were useful for, even though his was nice and kind of funny.

Sucking in a breath, Dally looked hurt. “I can’t believe you’d tattle on me.”