Shaking his head, Daddy finally sighed. “I think I’m too curious to turn it down now. So yes, even if I wasn’t a wonderfully supportive partner, I would still want to go with you.”

“I can’t decide if I need to praise you or pout.” My honest answer got a snicker from him and more laughter from Grace, wherever she was.

Daddy gave me a kiss, still grinning and barely holding back more laughter.

“Both.” Leaning closer, he brought his lips to my ear. “Because if you pout then I’ll have a reason to spank you.”

I sucked in a breath, making him grin even wider, but I remembered to whisper back. “Not when Grace is here, Daddy.”

He gave me a dejected sigh and pouted. “I know.”

Well, at least we were on the same page with that. I was so relieved I was confused when he straightened and seemed to jump topics. “We’ve got some workmen coming and she’s going to stay late to handle a few things. The locksmith should be here soon, and I’ve got a surprise I’m working on, so how about we go out for dinner and you can prep me for Dally’s family.”

That might take a while.

“I can definitely hit the highlights.” Oh, and speaking of family. “Um, one of your cousins showed up at my work. I think they were a cousin? Maybe some other relative but they were close in age to you and very nosy.”

So definitely related somehow.

Daddy rolled his eyes. “For fuck’s sake. I told everyone you’re not some kind of escort.”

I wasn’t sure anyone believed him.

“I’m very patient and I was polite but they’re going to get me fired.” That was not something I could handle. “So I need you to come pick me up at work on Saturday and show my boss I’m dating someone real and not for sale, and I need you to tell me that I can be rude.”

It was kind of getting out of hand.

“Please be rude.” Daddy didn’t seem like he had to think about that. “I don’t know what to do.”

Put his foot down to start…but we’d figure out the rest. Daddy was very smart about most things, but he needed help when it came to his family. But I could do that.

“You’re going to take me out for dinner for one thing.” Giving him a grin, I kissed his cheek again. “I want chicken strips.”

He’d made me eat lots of veggies for lunch…he’d packed me a salad.

The smiley-faced cucumbers and the carrots he’d cut into spears were fun, but I deserved nuggets and something I could pretend were french fries even if they were fancy.

“Deal.” Daddy kissed my nose. “I’m all set, so let’s go.”

He was definitely up to something if I couldn’t see inside the house yet.

“I…I need to use the bathroom and…and I should grab my charger from upstairs.” I did my best to wiggle around him quickly but he was fast. “Ugh. D?—”


Caught myself.

He’d caught me too. “Use the powder room behind the door there.”

“How many bathrooms do you have?” It was a fancy townhome, not a mansion. “How long has that one been there?”

“You’re a nosy little thing.” Daddy looked like he’d wanted to say something else but he’d stopped himself. “Let’s go.”

“Fine.” I’d be better at being nosy later. He’d have to let his guard down at some point. “Thank you for taking me out to dinner.”

“Being cute isn’t going to get you any hints.” Daddy’s eyes sparkled as he frowned at me. “And I didn’t even tell Victor my plan, so Dally doesn’t even know.”

He’d become very sneaky over the past couple of days.