Page 8 of All Gods Must Die

“Fool’s luck is what it was.”

I lock my jaw, keeping my temper at bay. It was no luck that helped me last night but years of training and hard work. He has to know I am capable enough to take care of myself.

“It’s ridiculous that you think you are ready for such a thing and incredibly irresponsible to willingly put yourself in danger.”

I know I am not immortal, and although powerful, I realize I can also easily be killed. I also know it will be a risk going up against these creatures and what will happen if I am caught, but doing nothing will not help anyone.

“I have my mother’s blessing on this, and although I wish I also had yours, I must continue to do what I feel is right. Iwillfight.”

“You will donosuch thing,” he hisses.

My eyes widen as his anger pulses out around him, his Sidus power coming to the surface. Where two green eyes were a minute ago are now white orbs that mirror bolts of lightning.

He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, calming himself.

Ryuu is known for his control, especially when it comes to emotions. It’s one of the many reasons he became captain in an army full of Caligo. He sees daily the desolate and castaways and, among them, many a lost soul that does not have an ounce of hope left. And yet he is still able to continue with the job at hand. He puts up with the guards who constantly taunt him and make sure he knows that they see him as something beneath them.

So, for him to lose control so easily, it stuns me silent.

I swallow against the lump forming in my throat. I know deep down he has always cared in his own way. He helped raise me these last few years. But every child must grow up and leave the safety of their parents. They must forge their own path and make their own mistakes along the way.

This is something I need to do. Deep inside me, I know the gods must have created me for more than just sitting on the sidelines and watching.

“Icando this. Please trust what you and my mother have trained me to do.”

Ryuu sighs, shaking his head, suddenly looking older than his age. “You are barely an adult, Seren, and messing with things that you have no business messing with. What if the guards were to have seen you?”

I clamp my jaw shut, facing forward once more. He doesn’t know the extent of my abilities, nor the fact that I can shadowmyself in the blink of an eye. A feat not many Caligo can achieve. Pushing him on this would not help my cause and only further anger him, so I try to stay quiet. It might make this lecture pass more swiftly.

“Hmm, nothing to add?”

His arrogant tone grates on me, but I push down my heightened emotions once more, feeling it unwise to behave childishly. If I want to be treated like an adult, I have to act like one. Screaming and shouting will get me nowhere.

I hold in my next sigh before speaking, but barely. “I was not seen by anyone. The guards were too busy fooling around to notice the incoming threat. They would not know what a threat was if it were to stand right in front of them.” I may be above screaming and shouting, but I will always get my point across. That, and I have acquired my mother’s eloquent quip. People can choose to listen and take my opinion or not. As is their right.

Ryuu stands still before shifting into my view. “Do you not think the guards capable?” His voice is but a whisper, his tone though, like quiet thunder.

Even though they mock him daily, disrespect him behind his back, he still vouches for the guards who are supposed to be under his command. I hold no quarrels with speaking the truth.

“I’m sure they are extremely capable.” Being trained by Ryuu would make them so. “Though I question their intentions and complete disregard for the safety of our people. They continually overlook the glaring truth and what that means.”

Ryuu harrumphs. “And you, naturally, know what thistruthis?”

I look him straight in the eye so he can sense the absolute certainty in my words.


Ryuu’s eyes widen slightly before he composes himself, but I will not let this go so easily.

“We both know it, what is here and what is coming. It will not be long before they start getting through in droves. If we don’t band together and do something now, we’ll never be able to stop them.” It is only a matter of time. Time we don’t have.

We need to form a plan, and soon.

“This is not for you to worry about. The guards wi?—”

“The Caligo guards deny the very existence of the dark creatures showing up here or the Sidus deaths. How are they going to help us when they think us liars?”

When he says nothing, I continue on. “There is something coming; we all feel it. It is in the air around us, cloaking what little hope we have and twisting it into something sinister. It won’t be long until we have no choice but to fight. We need to plan ahead; we need to band together?—”