The silver carvings on the bars and ground grab my attention as they begin to glow and swirl, getting brighter and brighter. I raise a hand to my eyes to cover them just as a burst of light shoots out around the room before completely dispersing at once.
The cell door grinds open slowly, and Veles steps through, a wide smile on his face.
“They brought me through a hidden tunnel below the cells on the other side of this one,” he says, quickly gaining my interest.
“The other side of the palace?” I ask, wondering if it is the same one I am in.
“There is a brown-and-cream door with ornate carvings on one side, then go past a stairwell and another hall before coming to a room of cells. The entrance to the tunnel is a cell itself. It is the first one to the right.”
My eyes light up at the mention of the carved door and his description. It sounds too similar to be a coincidence.
“The tunnels lead far enough away from that little block they have on the palace grounds. Your Caligo friend should be able to shadow jump you to and from there, allowing you to come and go as you please.”
Hope fills me as my original plans come back to life. I don’t need Oryn to help me shadow jump, but I don’t need to tell Veles that either.
Veles takes my hand, and I look up at him to find nothing but gratitude in his eyes.
“I owe you more than you know, but I’m afraid it will have to wait until we meet again.”
“But—” Oryn and his part of the deal. “Wait,” I call out, but he’s already gone, disappearing between the shadows and moving too quickly for my eyes to catch.
“Damn it,” I whisper. Oryn isn’t going to be happy with this outcome, especially since we are no closer to finding out anything about his missing sister.
Still, I feel hope that this news will aid us both.
I head back toward my cell with renewed vigor. Maybe I will have time to investigate if the hidden tunnel Veles revealed is where I think it may be.
I make it out of the lower-level cells and up into the palace hall where the portraits of old kings and royalty hang, when a tutting sound reaches my ear.
I turn to find a tall stout woman with graying hair glaring at me.
“We are normally here to be seen and not heard,” she says as she swiftly walks toward me with purpose.
I glance around, wondering if she has confused me with someone else.
“But I can no longer stand that foul stench another moment.” She takes hold of my arm and drags me with her.
I’m too shocked to do anything but follow. When I eventually snap out of my stupor, I notice I’m already in a room full of maids and servants. They dip their heads to me, not one bit surprised to see me here.
The woman continues to drag me into a smaller room with a large white tub in the center. It sits beside a large open fire, and its crackling flames are a warm welcome.
Another woman with soft brown eyes appears with a large basin of steaming water. She pours it into the tub and smiles at me before leaving me with the older woman.
“In you go,” she says as she shoves me toward the tub while pulling at my clothing.
“What are you trying to?—”
“I am trying to wash that foul smell,” she says, frowning when I take a step back away from her and her attempt to undress me.
She sighs harshly. “Give me those filthy clothes, and I will wash them while you clean up.”
I glance at the steaming tub of water and back at her. “You want me to have a bath?”
“For the sake of the palace, I am willing to beg at this stage.” She gives me a genuine look, making me think she is serious.
I raise an arm and wince when the smell hits me, and my eyes begin watering.