Page 24 of Antidote

My shift ended an hour ago,but when anyone asked, I was still swamped in paperwork. The lady who usually handles our intake phone calls is on vacation. It wasn’t completely a lie, since I did have a lot of extra work and did go past the time I was supposed to be here.

But for the past half hour, I’ve been sitting here playing pretend as I wave to everyone on their way out.

The day shift leaves with all of the higher up people too. All of the counselors and therapists are gone for the day. Dr. Conrad left earlier in the afternoon and Dr. Jameson is on call, so there’s really no one left, except the night shift staff. And unless there is an emergency, they’d rather not be bothered.

Nolan is the last to leave, waving hastily as he strides through the front door. He mumbles something under his breath, but I don’t bother clarifying. He looks like he’s had quite the day and needs to go get himself a drink or something.

I bide my time, waiting at least five minutes until after watching his taillights disappear into the darkness. If he forgot something or was coming back here, he probably would have during those first five minutes of his ride home.

Now is my chance.

It’s time for me to make my move.

I close everything down at my computer and slide my bullshit paperwork through the paper shredder. After I clean up everything, I slip into the break room to grab my purse and to clock out. It’s eerily silent and my heart pounds in my chest, the sound beating against my eardrums.

With my Converse, I’m able to keep my footsteps light and quiet. Sneaking around almost seems pointless since there are cameras in every room and every hallway, but no one actually watches the footage. The only time I’ve heard of them checking it was to see how a specific fight between two patients broke out.

Other than that, there’s absolutely no one monitoring that shit. So, as long as I stay quiet, I shouldn’t get caught.

The lock clicks as I hold my badge in front of the small pad. My hand finds the doorknob and I turn slowly as I ease my head through the opening, checking for anyone in the hall. I watch as one of the nurses comes out of a bedroom, pulling her phone out as she absentmindedly taps on the screen.

My heart pounds in my chest as I hold my breath, careful to not make a sound, even though I’m hovering in the doorway. She slowly makes her way to the end of the hall before disappearing down another one. I let out my breath quietly before inhaling deeply through my nose. After waiting a few more moments, when no one else appears, I slip through the door and softly close it behind me as I step into the hall.

I shouldn’t be doing this, but it’s too late to turn back now.

We made a pact. Wherever one of us goes, the other follows.

My fingers wrap around the doorknob and I turn it, not bothering to knock. The room is dark and silent when I enter. A sliver of moonlight from the night sky peeks through the curtains, casting its light across the floor. The faint smell of his body wash fills my nose as soon as I close the door behind me.

I’m home.

I take two steps forward, pausing as I let my eyes adjust to the light from the moon shining in the darkness. Killian’s head lifts from his pillow. His black, messy hair is a stark contrast to the blanched white wall by his bed. His eyes find mine in the darkness and he watches me as I step further into the room.

The darkness is where we’ve always belonged. Where neither of us can hide behind our masks or our facades. Where we are finally free to be who we’re supposed to be. Where our surroundings fade and we melt into one flame, our souls ascending in the dark.

He slowly moves in the bed, sitting up as he pulls the covers away from his body. I watch him as he climbs off the mattress, standing up as I move closer. He takes a step in my direction, meeting me in the middle of the room.

Killian’s hands find the sides of my face. His fingers are soft against my skin as he brushes a stray hair from my face, gently tucking it behind my ear. Tilting my head, I stare up at him, getting lost in the green hues that swirl in his irises. He slides his hand back along my face as he lightly runs his battered knuckles against my jaw.

My throat constricts, but I don’t ask him what happened. That’s the thing with Killian—he deals with things the only way that he knows how to. Sometimes you have to fight fire with force and Killian was never taught any differently.

My hands find his waist and I fist his thin white T-shirt in my fingers as I hold on to him. Killian sighs, his warm breath smelling like mint leaves his lips and warms my face. He drops his head, resting his forehead against mine as he closes his eyes.

“I didn’t think that you were going to come,” he whispers as he presses his lips against the bridge of my nose.

“I wasn’t sure that I was going to,” I admit, the words tasting bitter on the back of my tongue. “I still think that this is a bad idea.”

“Baby, baby, baby,” Killian breathes. His lips curl upward into a sinister smirk as he opens his eyes. His green gaze falls back on mine. “Don’t you know? All of the good things in life are.”



Ainsley stares back up at me, her soft brown eyes bouncing back and forth between mine. I want to wrap my arms around her and carry her back to my bed. I want her to stay forever. My obsession with her is unhealthy but I can’t fucking let her go.

She snakes her hands around the back of my neck and mine slide down to her ass. Gripping her, I lift her off her feet. Instinctively, she wraps her legs around my waist, not protesting as I carry her back to my bed.

Her back hits the soft mattress as I lower her down onto it. Her blonde hair splays across my comforter, forming a halo around the crown of her head. Ainsley peers up at me as I follow her onto the bed, her legs still wrapped around my waist as I crawl over the top of her.