Page 29 of Antidote

Pulling one out, I tuck it under my arm as I slip out of the supply closet. My heart pounds erratically in my chest and my breathing grows ragged with every step as I inch closer to the door that leads into the facility.

Breakfast isn’t for another half hour, but I know Killian. He’s not here to make friends. He keeps to himself and avoids unnecessary conversation with other people. He’ll be in his bedroom, exactly where I left him last night.

The lock clicks, unlocking the door as I hold my badge to the keypad. My palm is sweaty as I wrap my hand around the handle and pull it open. I step through the door and into the hall as I take a deep breath and begin my walk to Killian’s room.

This is the moment of truth.

I just hope that Killian will at least give me it.



Sitting on the edge of my bed, I plant my feet on the floor before rising onto them. My footsteps are light as I stride across the room, slipping into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I pull the door shut behind me, leaving it cracked open. The water streams steadily from the faucet as I grab my toothbrush and hold it under the stream.

The soft sound of my bedroom door floats into the bathroom. I listen to it close, shrugging my shoulders as I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush and begin to scrub my teeth. I know breakfast is soon, so it could easily be one of the staff members coming in to tell me that it was time to go down there if I was hungry.

Either that or one of the nurses bringing me my morning meds. Nolan got me on a regimen that works in conjunction with the various weed shit they’ve been giving me. It’s only been a few days, but so far, so good. Could be a placebo effect, but I’ll take what I can get.

I wonder who’s out lurking in my room, but the thought is fleeting. The threat level is fairly low here and the staff members usually knock before entering my room, just out of respect. The fact that I’m in the bathroom and didn’t come to the door, I’m sure that’s why whoever it was entered. The doors don’t lock, so they can get in in case of an emergency. I’m dressed, so it’s not like it really matters that someone’s out there waiting for me right now.

Finishing up, I spit into the sink, washing it down the drain as I rinse off my toothbrush. I tap it on the side of the bowl, shaking out droplets of water before putting it back in its holder. Grabbing the hand towel, I wipe my face dry and make my way back out into my room.

My stride halts as soon as I see who my visitor is. A smile creeps onto my face and I don’t even bother fucking fighting it. The happiness that this girl brings me is unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced in my life. In the past, I would have fought it. I didn’t deserve to be happy.

But then she made me see. I deserve to have a better life. I deserve to be happy. And after working on accepting that for myself, all of that starts with her,

“Good morning, gorgeous,” I say to her as I step toward her. “I wish I would have woken up with you in my bed instead, but seeing you first thing in the morning works too.”

As I reach Ainsley, she holds out a box, thrusting it into my hands. “Nolan wanted you to have a phone.” Her tone is off and she narrows her eyes at me, crossing her arms over her chest as I hold the box. “He wanted you to have it in case you wanted to talk to anyone.”

My brow furrows as the jealousy and suspicion radiates from Ainsley’s body. My face relaxes, my lips curling upward as a chuckle vibrates in my throat. “You jealous, baby girl? You don’t want me talking to anyone?”

“I mean, who the hell could you possibly need to talk to?” She growls, rolling her eyes.

I step past her, my shoulder brushing hers as I toss the phone box onto my bed. Turning around, I meet her stare as she follows behind me. “You know, probably my other girlfriend.”

“Fuck you, Killian.” Her nostrils flare as she glares at me. “For all I know, you could have met another girl while you were in prison or something.”

“Umm, you mean in the prison where men and women are separated?” I raise an eyebrow at her. “You do know that they have a men’s section and a women’s section.”

She scoffs. “They have those pen pal programs. Thirsty ass bitches looking for a felon of their own to wrap around their finger.”

I can’t fight the smile as a laugh escapes my lips. Stepping into her space, I wrap my hands around the tops of her arms, pulling her closer to me. Ainsley resists, keeping her arms crossed as she tilts her head back to look at me. “Baby, baby, baby,” I murmur, reaching up to cup the side of her face. “The only finger that this felon is wrapped around is yours.”

Ainsley sucks in a deep breath, her body visibly relaxing as her shoulders sag. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where the hell that came from. It just seemed weird that you could possibly need a phone.”

“I mean, believe it or not, there are other people that care about my well being, too.”

She winces at my words. “Shit. I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s okay,” I tell her softly as my thumb strokes her jawline. “I still talk to Court and Linc and sometimes your mom. That’s about it.”

Ainsley steps toward me, wrapping her arms around my torso as she buries her face in my chest. I wrap my arms around her shoulders, holding her tightly against me as I breathe in her scent. “Plus, if I have a phone, that means that I can talk to you while you’re not working.”

I feel her smile through my T-shirt. “Good. If you have a phone, you better be fucking calling me.”

“Always, baby girl.” I laugh lightly, feeling the weird euphoria that isn’t from drugs flooding my system. “Expect my call every night.”