Page 26 of Antidote

Let them hear us. Let them all fucking find out about us.

All that matters is this fucking girl and what we have between us.

Ainsley clamps down on my bottom lip, the metallic taste touching my tongue as she draws blood from my flesh. She lifts her hips with my help, meeting every thrust as I drive my cock deeper and deeper into her drenched pussy.

I drop my hand from her ass as she wraps her legs around my waist to hoist herself up higher, giving me access to the deepest parts of her. Pulling away from her, I slide my hand down the front of her stomach, pressing the heel of my hand against her clit. I move it in circles, working against the bundle of nerves, her pussy clenching every time I apply more pressure.

Her chest heaves, rising and falling as she struggles to catch her breath. I loosen my grip around her throat, but don’t move my hand away as I continue to fuck her. My balls constrict and I feel myself approaching the edge as her pussy continues to clamp down around me.

Ainsley stares up at me and I’m lost in her hooded gaze as the warmth spreads from my balls and through my stomach. Her eyes are barely open, her lips are parted as moan after moan slips from her lips.

“I’m so fucking close,” she breathes as another moan slips from her lips.

I run my tongue over the crescent-shaped indents she left on my lip, tasting the blood. “Come for me. I wanna feel you shatter into a million fucking pieces around my cock, baby girl.”

I work the heel of my palm against her clit as I thrust my hips harder, picking up the pace as my dick slides in and out of her faster. It’s a fucking race to the edge and Ainsley is so close to falling.

Her head tips backward, her pussy clenches like a vice grip around me as she arches her back. I roll my hand over her once more, diving my cock deep inside her as I shove her over the edge. She cries out in pure ecstasy as she falls hard. Her legs shake, tightening around my waist as her orgasm tears through her body.

That’s all it takes and I’m hopelessly falling with her. I thrust into her once more, pressing down on her clit again as she moans loudly, riding out her orgasm as I lose myself inside her. She milks my cock with her pussy as she doesn’t loosen her grip around me. My cock pulsates as I fill her with every last drop as I cum inside her.

I pull my hand away from her throat as she comes up for air. My chest constricts, my lungs are tight as I struggle to catch my breath. My hands fall onto the bed beside her head as my body stills and we ride out our high from each other’s bodies.

Ainsley slowly peels her eyes open and she stares up at me, staring directly into my fucking soul as she consumes me with one look. I was already a goner for this girl, but I could lose myself in her and never want to be found again. Her lips are parted, her chest heaving as she sucks in a shallow breath.

“Fuck, baby girl,” I groan, slowly pulling out of her. I rock back onto my hips, staring down at her pussy as I see my cum dripping from her. “You know I’m so fucking gone for you.”

A lazy smile tugs at the corners of her lips. “Can I tell you a secret?”

I nod as I drag my finger through both of our juices dripping from her pussy, soaking my sheet underneath her. Ainsley bites down on her bottom lip, suppressing a moan as her hips involuntarily buck. “Tell me your secret, baby.”

“I’m gone for you, too.” Her eyes are hooded, her brown irises swimming in ecstasy. “I don’t want anyone to ever find me, but you.”

“I don’t have to find you, because I’m right there beside you, Ainsley.” I shift on the bed, collapsing onto my back beside her. “I told you, where you go, I go. We’re gone together.”

Ainsley scoots closer to me, rolling onto her side. I slide my arm underneath her neck, pulling her closer to me. “What is this?” Her lips brush against my chest as she rests her cheek against my skin.

I press my lips to her forehead. “I’m yours and you’re mine.”

“We never had this conversation before,” she says quietly, splaying her fingertips across my skin.

“Because we never had to.” I tilt my head, pressing the side of my face against the top of her head. “We are what we are. It’s not something that we have to bother defining because it’s already a fact. If you and I both know it, that’s all that matters.”

Ainsley lifts her head, turning it to face me as she lifts up on her arm. Her soft brown eyes bounce back and forth between mine. “I thought that we were taking things slow?”

“Baby, don’t you know that there’s no such thing for us? This is what us taking things slow looks like.” I stare back at her, a smile touching my lips as I brush her hair away from her face. “We were never able to go slow. It’s all or nothing when it comes to us. And since nothing isn’t a fucking option, it’s all, baby girl.”



Lying on my back, I stare up at the ceiling, replaying last night in my mind. It’s still dark outside and I leave my lights off as I wait for my alarm to go off.

I snuck out of Killian’s room and managed to slip out of the building without running into anyone. I’m sure if anyone plays the footage from last night, they would see me going into his room and later leaving, my hair a mess and clothing disheveled.

We weren’t as quiet as we should have been either. Dread fills the pit of my stomach, laced with anxiety as I think about going back into work in a few hours. I doubt that there wasn’t someone that heard us last night. Whether or not they say anything remains to be determined.

After I got home, everyone was already in bed in the house. Cartier is usually up all night, but surprisingly, she didn’t slip into my room. I was thankful for that because I know that I wouldn’t have been able to face her without her knowing that something was up.