Without hesitation or knowing what exactly it was I was promising, I nodded.
“Don’t give up on her and don’t break her heart again.”
Emotion, thick and unending, lodged in my throat, but I managed another nod before she began to step away.
“And could you maybe go break that shit up?”
I let out a surprised laugh but followed where she pointed. Mr. What’s-His-Butt was still sitting in the chair even though Ivy’s brush was on the table next to her. She was clearly done. Not only with his face paint but with him too.
Her body language clearly said she wanted him to leave, but the guy hadn’t taken the hint. She leaned back in her chair, forcing a smile to stay on her face while he continued speaking. When his hand grazed her bare knee, she uncrossed and recrossed her legs farther away from him.
I was walking in their direction before I fully understood what I intended to do.
The guy didn’t even notice my approach, but Ivy sure as hell did. Her eyes widened and for the first time in recent history, she appeared relieved to see me.
“So sorry to interrupt, but you’re in my chair.” The guy finally looked up at me, startled by my sudden interruption. His surprise quickly turned to annoyance, and I noted the flex in his jaw.
“I can come get you when we’re done here. No problem,” he said almost politely. He was a decent-looking guy, and I was sure the firefighter aspect gave him another point or two, but I couldn’t see it working out between the two of them.
One quick glance back in Ivy’s direction, and I didn’t think she’d have any issue with me making the guy leave. As evidenced by the fact that she hadn’t told me to fuck off yet. Her lower lip was pulled tightly between her teeth and her eyes flashed between the two of us like she was prepared to flee.
“Ivy already promised me a special painting, so if you’ll excuse us.”
He glanced back at Ivy, probably waiting for her to argue, but I knew she wouldn’t. And the longer the asshole sat there, unmoving from my damn chair, the harder it was to hold back the verbal lashing I wanted to give him.
Without an argument from Ivy, he finally stood. He was barely an inch taller than me and only slightly broader, but that didn’t stop him from trying to use his size to intimidate me.
It didn’t work.
“I’ll see you around, Ivy,” he said by way of a goodbye.
“Unlikely,” I chirped back with a smile and patted his back before I took my seat.
He froze like he was contemplating making a scene but thought better of it. Ivy instantly relaxed at his retreating footsteps.
“I never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but thank you.”
She sighed, and I got a little more comfortable in the hard metal chair. “I owed you from last night, but also, who am I if not the white knight swooping in to save the day?”
She rolled her eyes and began cleaning her brushes in the fresh water her assistant set down next to her. “A white knight, huh? Someone thinks highly of themselves.”
“No.” I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “I just know you. It was plain as day to me from way the hell over there that you were no longer interested in what’s his face.”
“His name is Leo.”
“I didn’t ask what his name was.”
Her eyebrows shot to her hairline at my sinister tone. I didn’t know where it came from, but the anger I’d felt stewing when I saw him touch her was creeping up once again, made evident in my inability to control the pitch of my voice.
She straightened, cocking her head slightly to the side so her wavy red hair fell around her. It brushed along the tops of her shoulders, which were exposed in her simple white sundress. It was perfect for the hot weather and emphasized every one of her tempting curves.
It was only part of the reason I couldn’t keep from staring at her all damn day.
Realizing I’d been staring at her chest too long, I returned my eyes to her face only to find her gaze narrowed and appraising.
“Wait, are you… jealous?”
For the second time that day, a Sharpe woman made me splutter my response. Ivy’s knowing expression was enough to set my teeth on edge.