Page 43 of Undeniable

“It wasn’t my plan to annoy you, but the fact that that’s what’s happening means I’m making myself clear without saying a word.”

I groaned and looked over my packing list one final time. “You’ve said the same things a million times. Of course, I know what you’re going to say.”

My phone buzzed in my hand, and I glanced down to find two texts from Amanda and Hazel.

Amanda: I know James can be a real dick on his best day, but he’s still our friend so please spare his life if he does do something dumb.

Hazel: She told him to be nice, too. Good luck!

I rolled my eyes and stifled a smile. I told them I’d tried to be on my best behavior and reminded Hazel to let me know how her doctor’s appointment went before I pocketed my phone. We’d all three grown closer over the weeks, especially after our wine night at Amanda’s place that we spent unpacking and organizing their new home. It was great, and I really enjoyed their friendship, but I also worried that it wouldn’t last. My relationship—or lack thereof—with James was probably going to make it difficult to have mutual friends. Especially when they spent so much time together.

“It’s kind of funny,” Shelby continued. “You’d think that after all this time of me giving you sound, professional advice, you’d consider taking it.”

I held up my middle finger, and she returned the gesture without hesitation. “I love you,” she said plainly and found the milk in the fridge.

“I love you, too,” I sighed, and at the same time, there was a knock at our front door.

My eyes connected with Shelby’s over the kitchen island. She gave me a moment to go to the door, but when I didn’t make a move after several seconds, she did it herself.

The anxiety I’d felt all morning spiked and rooted me to the spot. The feelings were only exacerbated by the adrenaline still pumping through my veins from my nightmares the night before.

Nightmares I hadn’t had in years that suddenly resumed after one touch from James. His proximity and his touch were like an accelerant to their unpredictable and forceful nature.

“Shelbs, it’s so good to see you,” James greeted.

“I guess it’s good to see you, too, Larson,” she responded with less than half the enthusiasm in James’s voice.

I busied myself zipping my duffel, which took all of two seconds, so I frantically looked around the room for something else to keep me occupied. I didn’t know why, but I wanted to look busy when he stepped inside. Like if I wasn’t, then he’d know immediately that I’d spent every second since I’d agreed to drive him obsessing and stressed about it.

Not to mention I hadn’t stopped thinking about our second run-in in the break room at Murphy’s Law and how I could still feel his reverent touch. If it were possible, I would’ve preferred to disappear in that moment rather than spend two hours with him in a car thinking about any of…that.

“Hey, Killer,” James offered with a half smile, and my heart thudded awkwardly in my chest at the nickname.

I swallowed but couldn’t muster words, so instead, I waved and pocketed my phone. We were already off to a rough start.

Shelby’s eyes were wide, eyebrows raised in question. She knew what that nickname used to mean to me. That it wasn’t necessarily flattering but it made me swoon for him nonetheless.

Now all it made me want to do was toss some Legos on the ground and make sure he stepped on them.

“Ready?” I asked abruptly.

“Umm… yeah,” he stuttered. “Ready whenever you are.”

I wasn’t nearly as ready as I hoped I’d be for the trip, but the quicker we got on the road, the quicker the two-hour drive would be over. I was already counting down the minutes.

“I’m ready.” I reached for my duffel bag at the same time James stepped forward and extended his hand for it. I hurried and grabbed it before he could wrap his hand around the strap. I tried and failed to contain my scowl.

Shelby sipped her coffee and silently watched us both from over her mug.

“Bye, Shelbs.” James waved and opened the door for me. I paused for a moment, glancing between him and the hallway outside and trying to figure out where the sudden nice guy act came from. And why.

But his facial expression was neutral and open and he didn’t offer an explanation.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I passed, but he didn’t say a word. It was Shelby that called from inside the apartment, “Play nice, you two!” just as the door shut.

I heard James chuckle behind me, but I only rolled my eyes.

It had been hours since sunrise, yet the morning humidity still lingered.