Page 109 of Undeniable

Not sure where he was going with the trip down memory lane, I silently listened.

“So, when you got back,” he continued after taking a deep breath, “I snuck up to your window, hoping you were still awake.”

I laughed, remembering how terrified I’d been when I heard random knocking on my window at nearly midnight. I’d grabbed the closest, heaviest object I could find—an old textbook—and wielded it like a weapon when I finally mustered the courage to pull back the curtain.

“You berated me for about five minutes about what a dumb idea it was to knock on your window with no warning, and then it took me another five minutes to convince you to leave with me.”

My head, still pressed against his chest, bobbed with his laughter.

“Then you spent the entire drive worrying about what would happen if your parents came into your room to find you missing and what your punishment would be and if they could still ground you even though we’d graduated. You didn’t stop talking about it until we pulled in here.”

He motioned with one hand to the exact spot where his truck was parked now. The memories were clear as day as he reminisced. Growing up, I always adhered to the rules and gawked at anyone who willingly broke them.

That was until James came into my life and showed me the benefits of breaking those rules. It was new and fun, and I was just excited to be with him.

“And then you kissed me,” I added, remembering exactly what happened next and the way, even then, his kiss could consume me.

I felt him nod, and I knew he was probably smiling too, but I was too lost in the moment to look up at him. I held him tighter.

“It was the only way to get you to shut up. And it worked long enough for me to turn on the music and get you out of the truck.Thenwhen we were standing in front of the truck, and we started dancing, you asked if that’s all I’d wanted, was to dance.”

Finally, I pulled back and tilted my head up enough to meet his eyes. Still as blue as ever and brimming with undiluted happiness.

“I said yes. That I wanted to make up for the dance we didn’t get at prom.”

I nodded, and he brushed my hair over my shoulders before his strong hands clasped my face.

“And you said—”

“‘If you wanted to dance with me, all you had to do was ask.’”

A smile split his face and my heart took off at a wild rate, thudding in my chest like it was preparing to escape.

“Yes, and that being cheesy wasn’t going to, and I quote, ‘get me in your pants any quicker.’”

I tossed my head back and laughed because, although I didn’t remember that part, that absolutely sounded like something I would say.

His eyes swept over my face as his thumb brushed over my cheek and then across my lower lip.

“Sounds like something I’d say,” I muttered, which seemed to break him from his thoughts. His eyes darted back to mine.

“It was, and you still danced with me for—I don’t even remember how long we were out here. I’m pretty sure the sun was rising when you finally scrambled back through your window.”

I was still unsure if there was a purpose to his reminiscing when he dipped his head and kissed me gently. It was a brief meeting of our lips, and I chased him when he pulled back.

With a smile, he said, “I should have told you then that I love you. That’s the night I knew for sure.”

My jaw dropped at his confession and I pulled back. “You mean loved. That youlovedme then.”

He shook his head without hesitation.

“I didn’t misspeak.” He breathed the words against my mouth before his lips covered mine. And like it always did, the kiss consumed me. I couldn’t catch my breath as his tongue lapped at mine and he tightened his grip on my face, tilting my head to the side to deepen the kiss.

“You’re kidding, right?” I asked once we finally broke apart.

“Nope, I’ve never actually been more serious.”

“No…” My eyes narrowed and my voice wavered over the word. I couldn’t believe what was happening or what he was saying.