He held me closer and dropped his forehead to mine as we both tried to catch our breath. Both of us were slick with sweat, but neither of us cared as we clung to one another.
“Fuck,” James muttered, leaning back just enough that he finally pulled out of me. “We didn’t use a condom.”
Immediately, I tensed and he felt it. He looked up from where his cum was dripping out of me and also read the concern written all over my face.
“I’ve never actually done that before.”
“Had sex without a condom?” I chirped, trying to dispel some of the tension and anxiety I could feel growing in my stomach. We both knew that was a lie.
James shook his head and dragged his fingers through his disheveled hair. “No, forgotten a condom in the heat of the moment.”
“It’s okay,” I said quietly and was surprised when I actually believed my own words. I hadn’t remembered either. Too caught up in the moment and how much I wanted him to remember my one golden rule. “I have an IUD.”
“That’s good,” he said, his relief evident. “We’ve just always used them.”
I nodded and brushed his hair back from where it had fallen over his brow.
“The last time I didn’t use a condom, I got pregnant, so I’ve been very careful about it ever since.”
That statement, although the truth, drew us out of the moment. Or at least I thought it would have until James’s hands landed on my cheeks. He tilted my face up and smiled down at me lazily.
His thumbs brushed across my skin and I let myself relax into his touch.
“We can do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Condoms or not, it’s up to you. I’m clear, and I’m assuming you are too, so that shouldn’t be a concern. But”—he ran a thumb across my lower lip and his smile softened—“one day when we’re ready, I’m going to put another baby in you.”
I couldn’t help but tilt my head back and laugh at his absolute absurdity. But I knew he was being serious. When my laughter finally quieted, he was still smiling down at me.
“We just got our shit figured out, James. You’re really ready to say that?” The confusion was evident in my voice, and James reached up to smooth the furrow between my brows.
“I knew from the first time I saw you behind the bar at Murphy’s that I wasn’t ever going to let you go again. This is forever, Killer. Whether you like it or not.”
Then he kissed me so thoroughly I felt it everywhere. And if I hadn’t already believed him, that kiss would’ve changed my opinion.
“You aresoobsessed with me,” I mumbled against his lips. He made a deep, manly sound in the back of his throat and then nipped my lower lip.
“Unfortunately, we’re running out of time. Otherwise, I’d bend you over this tailgate and show you just how obsessed I am. But we’re about to have company.”
I reared back and gaped up at him.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
His smirk was wicked, and the sight of it did something to my insides.
“I wasn’t going to let you miss out on your birthday celebration, so we may have just changed the location.”
I spluttered for a response for several seconds and then finally managed to ask, “Here?”
He nodded and grabbed my clothes from where he’d tossed them somewhere behind me.
“Yes, here. And since it’s been more than an hour and a half since I texted them to head this way, we should probably get dressed. Unless you want all our friends and family to see us both naked? That would be kind of funny if they showed up and you were in yourbirthdaysuit.”
Frantically, I yanked my clothes from his outstretched hands. He laughed but took a second to clean me up with the blanket beneath me. Once I was fairly clean, I leaped from the tailgate and hurried around to the passenger side of the truck, where I was hidden from the road beyond. James joined me, still laughing at my mumbled curses and hasty movements.
He, on the other hand, was taking his time redressing.
“Yeah, I definitely prefer watching you take your clothesoff.”
I slapped him on the arm and urged him to hurry when the sound of approaching tires and bright headlights filled the otherwise silent and empty field.