Page 52 of Slammer

As if understanding my thoughts, his expression dropped further and he nodded. He knew it, too. He knew that we could never be, and that knowledge burned in my chest like fire.

A sound outside the room brought us back to our situation, and I slid from the bed and got dressed as he adjusted his clothes. His eyes never left my face as if he wanted to take in every thought that crossed my mind.

Outside the curtained space, I could hear Dr. Giles’ office door close and I knew it would be seconds before he was checking on me. Again, Christopher entered my space, his eyes devouring me. Reaching up, he ran a finger along the side of my face and leaned in for a quick kiss.

Dr. Giles’ footsteps began to echo around us, letting us know our time was up, but before the curtain was ripped back and our passionate moment was taken, darkness consumed his expression. He moved closer, his eyes locked to my lips before he looked me in the eyes.

“This will happen again,” he promised. “I own nothing in my life. There’s nothing but you, and now, you’re mine. Mine.”

I sighed because I wanted it to happen again and I wanted to be his, only his. As a matter of fact, I wanted it to happen again in that moment. I wanted to take him away from Fulton and let him ravish me in my bed for the rest of the day, but I couldn’t.

He pulled away and got back into bed just as Dr. Giles entered the space, leaving me breathless and flushed with weakened knees and desire thick in my gut.

“You okay, Lyla?” Dr. Giles asked.

Clearing my throat, I nodded before I left the curtained space and escaped to my solitude in the supply closet.



TWO DAYS IN medical can make someone feel good as new and I was feeling better than ever. Although, I was sure it had more to do with the sex. The release was so fucking raw I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. I’d thought my heart exploded along with my cock, and Lyla was an angel sent down to collect my soul.

She was amazing… her body was like a tight glove that fit me so perfectly I wanted to stay inside her for the rest of my life. Her sweet noises and the fact that I had to cover her mouth was so fucking sexy. Hell, the rushed sex and the thrill of almost getting caught was almost too much. It was one of the best moments of my life.

Two days later, I could still feel her all over my cock. I could still smell her sweetness even after I’d showered. Her taste was a memory on my tongue that sent my cravings into overdrive. I was a kept man mentally and physically by a woman I could never be with. Although, from the second I pulled from her soaking wet channel, I knew I had to have her again. If it was the last thing I ever did with my life, I’d taste her once more.

I felt alive again, as if her essence had enveloped my core and taken over. She’d breathed life into me, and I felt lighter and free as if I weren’t surrounded by cinderblock walls of death. I was no longer the shell of a man; I was full of emotion and feelings. I was full of lust and desire. I was full of her.

The following day, through the slit in my curtain, I watched her work. She smiled nicely at the inmates as she administered their medicine and jealously that I wasn’t the receiver of her smiles swelled in my stomach. I couldn’t get enough of her. I’d never get enough.

As if feeling my eyes on her, she turned my way and bit into her bottom lip, thickening the muscle between my legs and making it tent my pants. I was suddenly upset that they hadn’t opted to put me in the usual hospital gown. At least that way, I wouldn’t feel so retrained.

She turned, her sweet ass taunting me and telling me how tight and good her asshole would feel wrapped around my dick. Reaching down, I grabbed my hard-on and pumped it. She turned then, and her eyes went from my face to my lap. Lust filled her expression and I smirked, knowing she wanted to fuck me as badly as I wanted to fuck her.

I’d get her alone again, and when I did, she’d never be the same. I’d wreck her, send her reeling the way she had me. Except I wanted to do it in a place where I wouldn’t have to cover her screams, in a place where I could hear her beg for it and pant my name in pleasure.


What had she done to me?

When she disappeared from the slit in my curtain, I relaxed in bed and practiced breathing. My head ached, my cocked throbbed, and my heart slammed against my chest in anticipation of being with her again. It was wrong to have hope in a place like Fulton, but all her talk of my innocence and then having her to myself, I couldn’t help but think of what my future might hold.

I sat up at the sound of the curtain being pulled back, and smiled when I saw Lyla step into my space. She closed the curtain, blocking out the tiny slit that I’d used to stare at her, and then she was in my arms. I kissed her fiercely, pulling her body against mine and enjoying the feel of her against me.