Page 56 of Forbid Me

Our tongues danced together, which was funny since I had never danced a single step in time to a beat in my life. But that's what we were doing together. The music was the pounding of my heart. It wasn't racing. It didn't feel rushed or forced. It felt natural and right. It felt as if we had always been meant to be together.

I broke the kiss, looking into Stella's eyes. In them, I saw the reflection of the rising moon. There was a small voice in the back of my head that wondered if this was all an effect of the moon's pull on her animal nature. I was sure that had something to do with it. But not all.

"I love you," I said.

Her smile was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life. It took her a couple of times before she could get the words past her throat. "I love you, too. I mean, I really do. Not because I'm supposed to because we're fated and all. Because I actually like you as a person. You're strong and brave. And so thoughtful. I love how you take care of me in the simplest ways. No one's ever done that for me. And you're so fucking sexy. I can't wait to have you inside me."

I ran my knuckles down the side of her face, cherishing each of her features from her eager eyes, to her flaring nostrils, to those supple lips.

"And you're loyal. I don't doubt for a second that you would turn your back on me."

Now it was my turn to choke out the words. "I was loyal to the king. Now all my loyalty is to you."

She smiled, then went up on her toes to kiss me again.

I pressed my index finger to her lips. "Remember that. Promise me, you'll remember that."

"I will. Can I jump your bones now?"

"Yes. You can jump my bones now."

"I'm gonna start with this one."

She wrapped her hand around my erection. Now it was hergiving the tug, and I was the one following. She led me to the bed and shoved me down on it.

Stella's body was a masterpiece. I admired every inch of it as she towered over me, completely naked. I had killed for this woman. I would do it again. In a heartbeat.

Her hands trailed up and down my erection. I groaned at the sensation, closing my eyes and letting myself get lost in the pleasure. It was all happening too soon. I didn't want it to be over just as it started. It had been a while for me and never this good.

Just as I thought I had myself under control, she licked my tip. I jackknifed off the bed, taking her with me. But my woman was strong. Or maybe that was the cat peeking out of her eyes.

She pressed me back down on the bed. I fought for control. It was a losing battle because Stella wasn't playing fair.

She had a tight grip on my length, her mouth at the tip. The other hand cupped my balls. There was no way I could win. I was going to have to surrender. That's when her teeth nipped at my flesh.

"You said I could mark you."

My brain was not working. Neither was my throat. The only thing I could get past my lips were moans.

With her fingers still stroking my length, she lifted my ball sack. I felt her lips on the underside of the skin there. And then her teeth.

The pleasure started where her teeth marked me as hers. Then my balls swelled, preparing for release. Only somehow I didn't blow my load.

My mind was so focused on that spot where she had marked her claim on me. All the ecstasy was concentrated there. It was pure joy that went in a loop from her bite to my balls to my cock and back again.

On and on it went like the world's longest orgasm. I don't think I noticed when she lifted her face from my crotch. She let go of my cock, forcing another groan from me. The pleasure was, at this point, becoming painful. Then she sank that lush body down on me, and I came to understand the word nirvana.

Everything faded away. For a brief second, even Stella left my consciousness. What remained was only sensation. Her warmth surrounding my cock ignited every nerve ending inside of me.

It was as if I had been searching for something my entire life, and I had finally found it. There was a sense of completeness, of wholeness, that washed over me. It was more than physical pleasure; it was an ascension. I'd touched death and understood what it truly meant to be alive. All worries, doubts, and fears melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment.

I saw stars. It was fitting. Because Stella was now my true north.



The steady rhythm of the train's movements lulled me into a sense of security. That and the multiple orgasms I'd had made it impossible for me to keep my eyes open. I couldn't tell the difference between the aftershocks of pleasure and the gentle rocking of the train as it made its way across No Man's Land.