“Not as much as I’m disappointed in him.” Caleb’s voice darkened. “He made several bad choices—choices that affected others. We’re worried about him. We wanted to help. Heck, we really miss him. Why can’t he see that?”

She shifted so she could wrap her arms around him and give him what could only be described as an awkward hug. “I can’t say I know what you’re going through, but I’ll be here for you in whatever way you think you need me.”

He smiled down at her. It was the saddest smile she’d ever seen in her life. There was no way he would forgive her for her deception. Caleb had been hurt too many times for him to be willing to look past what she’d done. From the very beginning, she’d known he was slow to trust. Somehow her reasons for keeping her identity a secret didn’t hold any weight. She could have told him when they’d started getting along but before these feelings had developed between the two of them.

Now it was too late. She’d risked a great deal more than she thought possible. At this rate, she simply needed to cut her losses. She could tell him when she left—as a farewell. It would be her only parting gift.

Emma forced a smile, knowing how this whole relationship would end. There would be no running from it. All she could do was live in the moment and let herself enjoy his company while she still had it.

At that very moment, the warm, joyful bubble popped with the sound of her phone ringing again. She groaned, getting up from her spot while at the same time Caleb reached for the phone on the table at his side.

She snatched the phone before he could inadvertently answer it. That was the last thing she wanted him to do. Jessica might not know where she was, but if she found out that Emma was extending her absence all because of a man, she would have a royal fit.

Caleb’s eyes lingered on the phone before slowly lifting his eyes up to meet hers. “You really should just see what they want.”

“It’s my sister,” Emma blurted out.

“Your sister?”

She nodded. “You could say that we have a strange relationship as well.” Another lie. For Pete’s sake! Why couldn’t she just keep her words to herself? This was yet another oneof the reasons why she would never be able to have a strong relationship with Caleb.

Emma shoved her phone into her pocket and then motioned inside. “How about we get some ice cream and watch a movie or something?” Then, at least, she could run to her room and hide the phone somewhere. She couldn’t just shut it off. Jessica would know that if her phone went straight to voicemail, then she would have full permission to call the local authorities—though Emma wasn’t sure exactly how she’d do it without knowing her location.

Jessica was resilient. She’d figure something out.

Caleb’s eyes darted down again to where she grasped tightly to her phone. Finally, he nodded and got to his feet. “Sure. We can do that. I’ll get the ice cream, and you pick the movie.”

“Deal.” She darted inside before he could see the nervous look appear on her face. Emma needed to practice a little more when it came to keeping her emotions reined in. One false move and Caleb could demand to hear exactly everything she’d been hiding from him.



The number of times Caleb had heard Emma’s phone ring wouldn’t have been concerning if it wasn’t for the way Emma reacted whenever it happened. She was hiding something; that much was clear. The only peace of mind he could gather from observing her was that he knew she was a terrible liar.

He knew it was her sister calling, and she was likely concerned about whatever it was Emma was running from. While he didn’t think the caller was anyone else, that didn’t mean that Emma’s past wasn’t coming back to get her. She’d never mentioned that she had an abusive spouse or if she’d done something that was against the law—though either one of those options frequently came to mind.

As much as he wanted to ask her outright what was happening, he knew already that she wouldn’t tell him. And why would she? Her life was her own, and she was allowed to haveher secrets. One day she might want to share those secrets with him.

But then that little voice in the back of his head reminded him that if she couldn’t trust him now, then would she ever? The same went for his feelings. Caleb wanted to say he could believe everything she was saying, but the truth was simply that he couldn’t.

Caleb pushed aside those disparaging thoughts. He didn’t need to worry about that yet. For all he knew, she wouldn’t want this relationship to continue when she went home—yet another disappointing possibility.

He glanced at her from across their shared breakfast. Either she was tired, or she was just as unhappy as he was. They needed to get out and do something to get their minds off what was bothering them.

Reaching for her hand across the table, he smiled. Her eyes met his and she smiled back, though it wasn’t the same bright smile she’d had even a few days ago. He ran his thumb across the back of her hand and said, “I think we should do something fun today.”

“You do?”

He nodded. “Don’t you feel like we’ve been hanging around here too much? There’s a lot to do out there.”

“Well, yeah, but to me it feels like time moves slower here.” She tilted her head, and her smile shifted into something more genuine. “I like that.”

Caleb nodded. “I know. But…” He hesitated. “I don’t even know how long you’re going to be here—in Copper Creek.”

Her smile faded. It was a truth they both had avoided discussing.

“And I want to use that time wisely.”