“I’ll take care of the horses. You go wash up and get ready for bed.”

She hesitated, torn between wanting to spend another few moments with him and escaping so she could breathe again. Ultimately, she nodded and scurried toward the house. There would be more time. They still had at least a couple days together before Mateo and Sophia returned with their siblings.



Everything Caleb had shared with Emily was surface level, but he’d found himself wanting to give her more. The temptation had been so great that he’d had to tell her to go inside last night rather than spend more time with her.

He couldn’t scare her off. Not when he craved her company like he did. The way he saw it, there were two possible outcomes at this moment. She was a tourist. That meant she didn’t plan on staying put. But there was a chance that things could change.

People made moves across the country for less.

His heart burned for that possibility. He’d long since given up on sticking with his plan to keep her at arm’s length. Lately, Caleb had been a good judge of character. Emily might be a tourist. She might still be a stranger by some definitions. But she wasreal. She was genuine. Emily was the kind of person he could give his whole self to.

Caleb couldn’t see any problem that couldn’t be overcome. He just had to figure out a way to make sure she was on the same page. Their ride had helped him see the possibility, and he was ready for the next step.

It was strange how he’d gone from being against marriage and letting someone into his life to suddenly having the desire for it. Maybe all he’d needed was a taste of what a life with someone could be.

Living in Mateo’s house with Emily, sharing meals with her, and talking about the most mundane things actually brought him joy. He would never tell Liam that. His brother would only laugh at him and throw his own words back in his face. None of his family could know what was going on. Not even Daniel, who seemed to be the most understanding of all of them.

No, he’d keep this little secret to himself and treasure it. He’d make sure to secure Emily for his own before he chanced an encounter with anyone in his family. The way he felt about Emily was his joy and his alone.

The days seemed to go faster in her company. He could usually hear her playing her guitar near the house when he was out working with the horses. The more she played, the more lyrics he’d come up with. She loved the words he’d given her already. Now she had a first verse, and all she needed was two more.

He hummed the song as he worked, his thoughts drifting to her and how much everything had changed. After Carter had left, Caleb hadn’t thought he’d be able to trust anyone again. Emily had proved him wrong.

While he’d been more open with her than he had with anyone else, he’d kept one thing to himself. As far as Emily knew, he had been raised by his siblings because they were orphaned. But that wasn’t even close.

The more he thought about Emily and how much he wanted her in his life, the more he realized he wouldn’t be able to do that without being willing to share every last detail. There was something he’d never even told his siblings—he’d never wanted to.

Maybe now was a good opportunity.

He cleaned up the tools, feed, and supplies he’d been using in the barn and headed for the house. Lunch had been pleasant. While they’d both been rather quiet after their little date the other night, there had been a sort of comradery between them. More than once, he’d caught her looking at him. And more than once he’d found himself wanting to reach out and hold her hand.

Caleb trudged up the stairs to the house and pushed open the door. He pulled off his boots and hung his hat. Supper was ready, but then he’d expected that. Over the last couple of days, it had turned into a sort of game between them—which one of them got to the stove first.

He smiled as he moved through the house. It felt so real—this life he was leading. He could almost believe that this was his home. That she belonged to him. That they could have a future together.

When he reached the kitchen, Emily was placing the dishes on the table. She looked up with a smile. “The vet said that the puppies are doing great. They all got their shots. They’re growing well. Has Mateo called about them yet?”

He shook his head. “No word on how things are going with them.”

She frowned, one hand on her hip. “I hope everything is okay. I really like them.”

“Yeah, me too.” He pulled out a chair at the table and settled down onto the seat. She dished him up some pasta with red sauce along with some garlic toast, and then she sat across from him as was their usual seating arrangement.

Caleb gazed at her across the table, and then, on a whim, he picked up his plate and moved around the table so he could take a seat beside her. She looked at him in surprise but didn’t say anything. He lifted his nose appreciatively. “This smells great.”

“I hope it’s as good as it smells, then. For your benefit.”

“I’m sure it will be,” he said with a chuckle.

She watched him expectantly as he took a bite. Then he groaned with exaggeration, drawing a laugh from her lips. Emily shook her head. “You’re ridiculous.”

“And you’re more talented than you realize.”

Emily ducked her head, taking a bite of her own. “How are the horses doing?”