The rest of their errand was done in that same disappointing silence that Caleb seemed to prefer. He didn’t speak another word to her, not while he hunted down what he needed at the feed store and not while she got the few things she needed from the grocery store. They drove home the same way, and it nearly drove her mad.

By the time they got home, Emma couldn’t take it anymore. She charged out of the truck and hurried inside. Her fingers itched for the guitar—a way for her to express all the pent-up emotions she’d been feeling since she’d gotten up that morning. They hadn’t even been in one another’s company for twenty-four hours and she was already getting stir-crazy.

So much for the peace and quiet she was supposed to be getting. There was just something about being with someone who refused to speak to her that stirred feelings of discontent within her.

Emma retrieved the guitar and focused on playing the song she’d played so much she heard it in her dreams. There were several times that she wished she could write the words that could do it justice, but each time she tried, she failed miserably.

Why couldn’t she find the words for the music that came from her soul? It seemed like a cruel trick for fate to play. The more times she played, the more antsy she became. Whether it was due to her irritation with Caleb or the growing frustration she had over the song she was trying to write, Emma couldn’t be certain. All she knew was that she needed to get out of the house and get a fresh perspective.

Emma found herself seated beneath a large maple tree. A breeze fanned her face, cooling the flush in her cheeks. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. The scent of lavender flooded her senses, calming her. There was another familiar scent coming off a nearby field, but she couldn’t place it.

Her fingers found their place on the frets, and she strummed the strings. Heart slowing, growing more even, Emma was able to finally find a degree of peace. She didn’t have to worry about Caleb or his cold shoulder. Nor did she have to worry about what might be happening at home.

Right here, right now, it was just her and her music.

And the incessant vibration of her phone.

Emma groaned and pulled her phone from her pocket, not at all surprised to see her sister’s number. She sighed as she answered the phone. “Hi, Jessica.”

“They canceled it.”

Emma straightened. “They canceled what? What are you talking about?” It had only been a day since they’d last spoken. Nothing could have escalated that quickly.

“Rachel. She canceled your tour. She said without knowing where you are or what’s happened, she doesn’t want to risk the unknown.”

Emma shot to her feet, the guitar sitting in the grass. “She can’t do that, can she?”

“I’m not a lawyer, Em. I don’t know what she can or can’t do. But she hasn’t heard from you, so what do you expect? She can’t just lie to the people who are running the concerts. Now that she’s let everyone know that you’re missing, she has to keep moving forward with that narrative.”

“And Mom? Does she know? The truth, I mean—that I’m hiding from Rachel?”

“Of course not. Rachel doesn’t know how to get ahold of her since Mom got her new number, so she’s still in the dark.”

“Good, keep it that way.”

“Em, I can’t. You know Mom will figure it out eventually.”

“Yeah, but not until I’m ready.”

“Not until you’re read…” She paused for a moment. “What are you saying? You have to call Rachel. You have to make sure she knows you’ll be back for the tour. Youwillbe back, won’t you?”

“Of course I will.” Emma sighed. “But I plan on being ready. I’m not going anywhere until I know I’m in the right mindset. This is about feeling safe, Jessica. Can you understand that?”

“You know I do, but?—”

“Then you’ll let me do things my way. I can’t leave here, not right now. I…” She slumped back against the tree. “I justcan’t.”

“I would never ask you to, Em. But this isn’t just about you. Think about your crew. Those people who go on tour with you have bills to pay and mouths to feed. I get that you need to feel safe—mentally—but this is bigger than you are.”

Emma bit down on her lower lip, gnawing on it until it tasted raw. Her sister was right, of course. She owed it to all the faithful people who made her shows happen. Something just didn’t feel right about the whole situation. Rachel would never lose such a big commission from all the venues where Emma would beperforming. This had to be a way to smoke her out. She shook her head. “I promise I’ll come back when I’m ready. I just don’t know when that will be.”

Jessica sighed. “I don’t think I can hold her off much longer. She’s been calling and messaging me. I might have to tell her something. Would you be okay if I said I heard from you? What if I made sure to say I don’t know where you are or how long you’re going to be gone but that you’ve reached out to me?”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Jess,” Emma hedged.

“I won’t do it if you tell me not to.”

There was no telling what Rachel would do to try to get more information out of Jessica. She wouldn’t go so far as to threaten her, but she might try to get access to phone records. “Do what you feel is best. I trust you.”