That was meant to keep her wondering and worried, too. Little did they know that for the two hours she’d spent downstairs with Anna, they’d both prayed for either deliverance or peace. One or the other. If God spoke only in absolutes, then she was about to die because she felt a peace like she’d never known before. They couldn’t hurt her. God had her.
The sound of loud barks made her jump. No one in the apartment had dogs. Nathan wouldn’t allow pets, especially ones that could turn against him. She turned, only then realizing Nathan had left at some point and she was alone in the room.
With tentative steps, she tip-toed her way to the other side of the room and shrugged on what was left of herflannel shirt, holding it shut in the center since the buttons had been torn off in the removal. The barking grew louder and was now coupled with growling.
Nathan’s voice screamed, “It’s that demon dog of Kelly’s! I thought Ramona took care of it?”
Viceroy answered, “Forget about it. Get out of here, now.”
Her door slammed open, and Nathan stood there. “I won’t fail again. He’ll kill me if I let you go.” He gripped her arm and thrust her toward the door.
“I’m not going.” If Zeus was here, then so was Sam. She knew it right down to her bones.
“You think you have a choice?” He cuffed her over the head.
Kelly fought against the stars swirling in front of her eyes. If she resisted now, Sam would have time to find her. “No!”
Zeus barked and the unmistakable sounds of a running animal filled the room. “Let me go and you’ll have time to get away. Fixate on me and you’re going to jail.” She planted her feet, sure that if Zeus came through that door, he wasn’t going to let Nathan anywhere near her.
Nathan shoved her toward the door. “Get moving.”
Zeus barreled through the open doorway and knocked Nathan to the ground. Zeus didn’t stop growling and snapping, his teeth mere inches from Nathan’s face. Kelly had never seen the dog act that way, but she was hesitant to call him off. Nathan would probably shoot Zeus if he was able to get some control.
“Denver police! Hands where I can see them!” An officer stepped into the room, gun raised and aimed at Nathan.
Kelly raised her hands to be safe, and squealed as Sam rushed in right behind the officer.
“Zeus, hold,” Sam said, then gave a low whistle. Zeus backed off, but he didn’t take his eyes off Nathan, a low growl rumbled from his throat and his hackled made him appear huge. Nathan wasn’t going anywhere while Zeus had him in sight.
“That’s a good dog. Have you thought about having him trained?” the officer asked as he cuffed Nathan.
Sam looked at Kelly and gave a sigh. “The thought had crossed my mind.”
It was over. Kelly’s lip trembled, and she didn’t hold it back this time. Before she could go to Sam and get comfort though, she had to tell the officer about Anna. “I have a friend locked in a cage downstairs. Her name is Anna, and she needs to be freed.”
The officer gave her a nod. “We’ll be going through this place and letting everyone know that the owner has been arrested. They are now free to leave if they wish to.”
“What about those that are too young to make that choice?” Kelly swallowed back the bile in her throat. She’d turned a blind eye to their plight when there was no hope, but now she would stand up for every last person there.
“Nicolas Viceroy was here. He ran about two minutes ago,” she told them.
Sam’s eyes focused on her. “You know his first name?”
She nodded. “He was here. He’d planned to kill me twice today. It was interrupted both times.”
Sam took a deep breath. In that moment, he looked as if he’d welcome a hug, so she didn’t ask. She stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around him.
“Ah, Kelly. I’m so sorry.” He rested his chin on her head and held her close.
“Why are you sorry? I’m the one who left. I’m the one who made this mess. I’m just a bad girl.” And she always would be, at least to some extent.
“No, you’re not. You never were. You were too trusting, and you thought everyone cared about you as much as you cared for them, but that doesn’t make you bad. Everyone makes bad decisions.”
She shook her head and pulled back from him so she could look him in the eyes. “Sam, thank you for forgiving me, but I deserve it. I may have left to save you from me, but it wasn’t noble, I still chose this. Again.”
He gently touched her cheek, and she flinched at the pain. Her face had to look terrible, so why did Sam look at her like she was a precious jewel?
“Would you choose to come back here now, after this?” he asked.