“Can I help you, cowboy?” A woman who had to be about his age sauntered from behind the counter. “You looking for someone specific, or will anyroomdo?”

The way she said room made his skin crawl. This motel was a front for something much more sinister than he’d thought. Did the police have any idea what went on here when they gave away gift cards to this place, or did The Over Easy motel give them gift cards to use in order to prey on the vulnerable?

“I’m looking for a woman named Kelly Chambers. She may have used a different name to check in, but she’s about five foot six, maybe a hundred-twenty pounds. Her hair is blondish, but closer to brown, and she’s wearing a great big coat. Oh, and she would’ve had a big dog with her.”

The woman’s smile only made it to half her face. “Nope, sorry sugar. Would you like to try one of our other rooms?”

Connor stepped forward. “He’s not here for a room, he’s looking for someone specific. If you don’t help, we’ll call the police to encourage you to help.”

The woman threw back her head and laughed. “That’s funny. The cops don’t come here. It’s like we don’t exist. They drive right on by, and the owner is happy to stay inbusiness.” She shrugged. “If you’re not looking for a room, you’ll have to leave. I have work to do.” She plumped her lips into a full pout. “But if you’re interested, I could be convinced to go on break a little early.”

Sam and Connor headed back outside. Sam rubbed his hands down the front of his pants. “Feels like I need a shower and I didn’t even touch anything.”

Connor nodded and patted his thigh to call Zeus over. “But she hadn’t seen Kelly, so we’re back at square one.”

“Not quite. We know Kelly had to have been here. We know this place is seedy and at least peripherally in the sex trade. Nathan was after Kelly last night and shot at John Sr’s truck. So, it’s possible she’s still here.”

“Are you suggesting we just wait and see who leaves? Knock on doors?” Connor asked.

“Waiting is what I had in mind, and calling Nixon to find out why they don’t close this place down. How influential would someone have to be to make a police force that seems otherwise good to turn a blind eye?” Sam hated things that were unfair or went against what was right.

“We both know that it may not be the police. It might be judges or even city government. If people get released without consequences anytime the police make an arrest, it isn’t long until the police stop doing it. There are other places that need them. Places where their actions will have a good result.” Connor opened his truck door and patted the seat to invite Zeus inside.

Zeus piled in. Only then did Sam realize he was shivering. How long had the dog been out in the cold? He was used to the weather, but they’d left before midnight, ten hours before. That was a long time to be outside for a dog who was used to having a warm bed at night.

Connor grabbed his phone and turned it on speaker. He hit a few numbers, and it started ringing. Nixon picked up on the third ring.

“Hello, Connor. I still haven’t heard anything.”

“Tell me about the Over Easy Inn, in Cheyenne. Why is it still open? This place is barely a cover for what they’re doing. The woman in the office practically threw herself at Sam.”

Nixon snorted. “That place is owned by a senator. Not a state senator, but a federal government senator.”

“Oh.” Connor said with enough sarcasm to fill the cab. “You’re saying it stays because he has more power than sense and he likes money.”

“You got it.” Nixon went silent. “Please don’t tell me Kelly is there.”

“Can’t prove if she is or isn’t. The woman in the office says she wasn’t here but we found Zeus outside. I know he wouldn’t have come here unless he’d been here,” Sam said.

Officer Blake was silent for a minute. “Zeus was a tracker, right? Have you thought about asking the dog to take you to her?”

It was a long shot. Zeus would normally need something to scent first before he could find her, but he had to ask. Sam ruffled Zeus’s ears. “I’m sorry, boy. I’ll let you warm up real soon, but I need you right now and more importantly, Kelly needs you. Bring me to Kelly.”

He opened his door and Zeus launched out, racing down the sidewalk.

Kelly grippedthe thick metal collar around her neck and tugged on it, but it didn’t loosen that time just like it hadn’t loosened any other time she’d pulled at it. She shivered on the floor in what might have been a warehouse of some sort, she wasn’t sure. All she knew was that it was cold, she was sore, and she regretted leaving Wayside.

Why did every decision she made for herself have to lead to pain? Was she destined to live a terrible life because she couldn’t make good choices? Her grandmother would’ve told her that was absolutely the case.Get smart, girl. If you don’t wise up, the world will wise you up.Funny how she couldn’t recall a single kind thing the woman had said.

The door across the room swung open with a loud bang, and the woman who’d caught her came in. She reached down and gripped Kelly’s collar, yanking her to her feet. She pressed in close to Kelly’s face, forcing her to look away and enveloping her in sickly sweet perfume. “If you’re going to run away like a dog, we’ll treat you like a dog.”

She shoved Kelly to her knees. “The first thing you’re going to tell me is how you got away. Then, you’re going to go in and talk to Viceroy. You’ll tell him everything he wants to know. You’ll do whatever he tells you to do. Then you’ll kneel in front of him, and he’ll put a bullet in your head. You will do all those things because you owe us.”

This was it. She would die before Sam could find her. She would never have the chance to tell him she was sorry. So sorry for not placing her trust in him or telling him what was going on. Odd how shame and guilt had made her keep doing things that caused more shame and guilt.

The woman tugged her back to her feet and out of theroom. They walked toward a corner of the large open building. The concrete floors had frost over them, and Kelly tried hard not to slip on the damp surface in her socks since the woman had taken her shoes. The woman didn’t seem to have any issue in her high heels.

Lord, you’ve got minutes to work a miracle if you’re going to save me. I don’t have any more time than that.