Instead of nodding, Kelly’s mouth dropped open as she glanced behind him. He turned as Edwyn walked into the barn. Edwyn glanced between them, then focused on him. “Everything all right?”

Kelly immediately nodded with her mouth stillslightly open, as if they’d been caught doing something they shouldn’t.

“Yes. I was just worried. Kelly had gone out for a short walk, and I didn’t know she’d be gone. We were having a chat out here.”

Edwyn, who was Mr. Rules at Wayside, ignored him and went straight for Kelly. Sam’s internal hackles went up. Maybe there was something between Edwyn and Kelly, at least in the foreman’s mind.

“Do you need me to bring you back to your cabin?” Edwyn asked.

She shook her head. “No. I think I can manage. I’m sorry for wandering so far without letting anyone know where I would be.”

He wasn’t about to let her go alone. Not when he knew she’d been headed to meet up with Nathan or someone who said they were Nathan by text. Kelly got up and headed for the back of the barn where she’d left the watch. Sam went after her, but Edwyn grabbed his arm.

“Let her be. You’re not acting like a Wayside wrangler.”

Sam watched as Kelly left the barn and was out of sight. “Zeus, follow.” The dog, sitting quietly in the corner out of sight, would either stay with her all night or he’d come right back when she made it safely to her door, but he wouldn’t leave her without some protection. Zeus had bonded so quickly with Kelly that he wouldn’t let anyone near her if she appeared frightened. The dog obediently followed.

“What’s this all about, Edwyn? Really? Is this about running Kelly a bath? Because that’s an issue. Wranglers don’t do that, either.”

Edwyn turned white, then red. “Did she tell you that?”

“No. I heard you as I was coming by to see how shewas doing after her fall. For a man who follows the rules, that seemed like a red flag to me.”

Edwyn swiped his hand down his face. “Look, that isn’t how I normally am, and you know it. I’ve got no feelings for Kelly. Connor told me that I really messed up with her. I was too loud, too direct. I had to do something to get her to trust me again. So, I did something nice. That’s all I did, Sam.” He slowly shook his head, all the steam gone from his voice. “You know me.”

His thumb touched the red wax ring on his finger. He’d known Kelly and had been so wrong about her, too. He’d trusted his eyes instead of his heart. In Edwyn’s case, he’d trusted his ears over what he knew about Edwyn.

“Sorry, man, it just seems like you’re ready and willing to accuse me of doing the wrong thing. This isn’t easy for me. I’m in a very sensitive situation.”

“I can’t imagine. I really can’t.” Edwyn sat on the bench. “I know this is hard, but if you’re feeling too drawn to her, too much for her, you need to step back. Stay distant at least a little. You can’t let those feelings build. She deserves to heal. No matter what Brendon and Connor say.She’smore important.”

Sam glanced back at the door where she’d disappeared and couldn’t agree more.

Chapter Fourteen

Sam shuffled into the little Wayside chapel at the same time as Edwyn. Was that God’s way of telling him Edwyn was right? It certainly meant Edwyn was watching his every move. He’d thought all night about what he’d discussed with Edwyn, after staying up to see if Zeus would return.

When the big German shepherd didn’t come back to the kennel for the night, Sam called Kelly’s cabin. When she answered, it surprised him. She hated talking on the phone, but he hadn’t wanted to go to her door so late at night.

“Hello?” Her voice held so much worry.

“Kelly, this is Sam. I was just checking to make sure you got homeall right, and that Zeus is with you.” At least she answered, which meant she was most-likely fine.

“Zeus is here and I’m safely in my cabin. Thanks for checking.”

He heard the distinct change in her voice when she smiled.

“Of course. If he makes you feel safer, keep him with you. He seems to have chosen you as his human.”

Kelly actually laughed at that, and he hadn’t realized how much that meant to him. She hadn’t laughed or smiled since her arrival. He almost wished he could be there to see it. Which meant Edwyn was right, he should back off and just be Kelly’s wrangler.

Now, as he mingled with the twenty or so people in the tight space, he knew avoiding Kelly would be almost impossible. There was only room for about thirty people in the little chapel if they sat hip to hip on the benches. She wouldn’t know anyone except him and Edwyn though, so likely she would look for him.

He saw her profile in the doorway and took a breath. Avoiding her was good for her. He had to keep telling himself that. Edwyn was right. She couldn’t heal from the physical and mental trauma she’d been through if she started thinking romantically, or even deeply, for someone so soon. If he cared about her and wanted a future with her, he had to back off. Doing anything too soon could literally ruin her chances of a happy life forever.

Junior sat next to Gabby in the front row and there was just enough room for him at their side. Since the place would be fairly packed, he didn’t need to explain himself when he asked to sit with them. Gabby smiled up at him and moved over a bit. “Sure, us front of the church dwellers are always happy to invite a new convert.”

Junior grinned. “And some of us are only here because our wives are front of the church dwellers.”