Kelly wished she’d paid more attention to the very brief explanation of the rules. Then she might understand the strange undertow that suddenly seemed to yank her emotions in every direction.
“Kelly needs someone to be her wrangler for the next few weeks while we try to find a safe place for her to go.”
He glanced at her. “You had a rough first day. I’m sorry about that. I’ll try to help you with the next few weeks. You can trust me. You don’t have to be frightened. I know that won’t be easy for you and you have no reason to trust anyone here. I’m just saying it out loud so you can begin to trust what people say. I’ll prove my words true.”
He always had before, except when he’d disappeared from her life. She wanted to believe him, but so many people had lied to her. There had been so many who hadused her. Sam could be trusted, but her heart didn’t want to trust anyone and risk being hurt again. If his words proved to be lies, it might break her.
“I know you don’t believe me. I don’t expect you to. But I will do my best to make the next few weeks comfortable for you.” Sam’s head tilted slightly in her direction, but he didn’t look her in the eye.
There was a pain he was hiding from her, and she wanted desperately to know what it was. Had he known about the world she’d been thrust into? Did he think she’d chosen that life? If he did, he either didn’t know her as well as she’d thought he did, or he’d let himself believe he didn’t know her then. She hadn’t knowingly chosen to be a prostitute. She opened her mouth to ask, then shut it tight. Now was not the time. She’d already bared enough of her past in front of Brendon. Her heart was raw from releasing the venom trapped under years of pain.
No more for today.
“Fine. Two weeks.” She glanced up at Brendon. “I’m trusting you to do your part and to look for a place for me.”
He gave a sharp nod. “Just understand that this might take time. You were only allowed to come here because we have an understanding with our local police. They know about the danger that we might be in out here with the guests we have. Nathan was in direct contact with a woman known as Evie Carvel. If you were that close to the top, you are in danger. They will be afraid that you know too much.”
Kelly swallowed hard, now understanding why Nathan never let anyone go free and why those who escaped were quickly found and disposed of. She was actually shocked she hadn’t been found at the halfwayhouse, though the protection around her had been extensive. They’d never let her outside, she’d gone by a different name, and they’d required that she wear a hat and glasses when she was with the other residents. It had apparently been enough to save her. That and no one had known where she was going.
“I understand. Implicitly.” But that didn’t negate the fact that she felt too much for Sam and would now have to control her every thought and word around him for the next two weeks.
“Good. Sam, why don’t you take Kelly outside and introduce her to her horse?”
Sam finally smiled. “That, I can do.”
Chapter Five
The rumble of an approaching truck distracted Sam from grooming his horse. Strange vehicles coming up the Wayside drive always drew attention. Sam stood next to his horse, a pretty paint named Picasso, running the curry brush over his sides. Sam paused momentarily to watch the car, forcing Picasso to nudge his hand to remind him to continue.
Sam resumed; glad he’d done the job so many times that it took little thought. Two men got out of the car, and he immediately recognized both of them. The first was Dominic Anderson, leader of The Guardians who’d helped Wayside a few months back when Erica had brought her son Pete to Wayside. They’d needed help with security to keep the boy safe. Shortly thereafter, Erica and Cole had worked together, allowing Cole to heal from some of his damaged past and giving Erica a family she’d never had. The other man worked for Dominic, Spenser Cadence, a tech genius and munitions specialist.
Both men were met by Connor almost immediately. He had to have been watching the cameras on the poleswhere the gate had once stood. Otherwise, he couldn’t have heard the quiet car approach. Sam patted Picasso and gave him a scratch under the jaw. “I’ll be back in a few. I need to find out what this is all about. Don’t get too impatient on me.” He patted the horse’s flank and headed toward the house.
“Is this a private meeting, or can I join?” Sam asked. Connor had an open-door policy with things, allowing the guys to be part of all that went on around Wayside, but access wasn’t a given. They still had to ask.
Dominic grinned at him and held up a hand. Sam clasped it like they were going to arm wrestle, but instead the huge guy drew him into a crushing man-hug and slapped him on the back hard enough to make a cloud of barn dust fly from his back. “Good to see you, Sam.”
“Likewise.” Though he suspected they hadn’t come a thousand miles across two states just to visit and catch up. Connor would only ask them to come if something was wrong and they could be of assistance.
“I don’t see why you can’t join us. I was going to inform all of you of the details from this meeting at our usual evening meeting.” Connor headed back into the house, and all three of them followed.
When they reached Connor’s office, he was already in the process of arranging three chairs facing his desk. He went around and took his seat behind it then organized his paperwork off to the side. Sam took the seat closest to the wall knowing that, although they were completely safe, both the other men would want the spots closest to the door because it afforded a better line of sight to the exit. Both men would want to know at all times what was going on.
Dominic and Spenser took their seats and Connorexhaled, gathering his thoughts. “Dominic, I wasn’t expecting you to be the one to come, especially when you told me to let you know when your men arrived. When you said you had the perfect men for the job, you didn’t tell me you were one of them.”
Sam held in his surprise. Connor usually asked the guys their thoughts on this sort of thing before making plans to have anyone come. Why hadn’t this come to a vote, or at the very least, why hadn’t he let the guys know? Travel took almost twenty hours between them, there would’ve been time to make the guys aware.
The towering, dark-skinned man grinned. “You accused me of never showing my hand. And you’re right. I don’t. I had to keep you on your toes. But this couldn’t be helped. I’d planned to send Artemis, but he broke his wrist the day they planned to leave. Bringing Spenser was a given. He’s our tech expert and you said you needed him. He’s trained enough security officers back home that I wasn’t concerned about bringing him along. I’m a security and special ops specialist, so my qualifications were a perfect match for the need. Given the situation, I thought both of our unique abilities would qualify and having us here would bring no complaints.”
Connor nodded. “They do, and I’m not complaining. But I hope we aren’t taking you away from already contracted work. I know you said you aren’t worried about the tech aspect, but you’re the leader. Won’t they miss you? Are things going well?”
Though Dominic usually hid his feelings behind either a smile that you never quite understood or a stone face that could put the fear of God in about anyone. His face currently reflected a worry that wasn’t like him. “The slave trade is alive and well in Duluth. There aretwo sides to the city with a distinct line between them, but they are unfortunately close. One is joyous and for the tourists, it brings people north for the draw of Lake Superior and the shipping trade. The other, darker side of the city shows poverty, homelessness, and fear. Duluth needs prayer for workers. The kind of workers who bring freedom to those who would soon be whisked out of Duluth aboard ships where they aren’t listed as cargo . . .”
Connor gave a solemn nod. “You can count me in.” He scribbled a note down on a nearby notepad.
Dominic gave a slight head tilt. “Thank you. As to if I’m needed at home, I’m only a call away. Artemis is my second and right-hand man. He can handle everything I would. All the men know how and when to contact me. One thing I learned while I was here last time is that finding a man you trust as your second is as important as teaching obedience and communication. To that end,
“Now that we have the welcomes out of the way, tell me why we’re here. I know the phone isn’t always the best and safest way to talk about this kind of thing.” Sam hadn’t been in the military that long, but he could only describe Dominic’s shift in the chair as being ‘at ease’, though that was normally a standing position.