“Yeah, but they won’t mind if I feed you first.” He huffs a laugh. “Rae would probably rip me a new one if I didn’t.”
“Probably,” I agree with a light laugh of my own. Opening the door further, I gesture for him to come inside. “I think there are paper plates in the break room. I’ll grab a slice and you can head back.” Looking over my shoulder, I add, “Thanks, by the way.”
“No problem.” Braden looks around the office as he follows. “They really have you working this late?”
My sigh is barely audible. “Unfortunately. I should have been done by now, but I’m a little stuck.”
Braden follows me into the break room and sets the pizza box on the small round table in the middle.
“How so?”
“I don’t know.” I shake my head as I grab a plate from the cabinet. “My boss more or less told me I was losing my voice in this latest piece. I think I’ve fixed most of it, but something about it still isn’t sitting right.” I shrug. “Maybe I’ve read it too many times.”
He opens the pizza box, so I can grab a slice. “Yeah, if you stepped away from it a bit, I’m sure it would be clear, but I’m assuming you don’t have time to do that.”
“Want me to take a look?” He points to the door of the break room even though he doesn’t know where my office is.
He closes the box of pizza now that I have my slice and shrugs. “Why not? I might not be able to help, but I’m happy to try.”
I hold his stare as a mild dose of panic travels through my veins. Plenty of people read my work after something has been published, but the idea of sitting and watching him read something I’ve written, when Iknowit’s not good enough yet, has me second guessing his offer.
But maybe he can help.
“Sure,” I say before I can talk myself out of it.
“Yeah?” Braden doesn’t bother hiding his surprise.
“Yeah, that would be great. As long as you don’t mind.”
He genuinely smiles, and it’s like something inside me warms. His blue eyes, so different from Jackson’s, have a little more spark in them now. Picking up the pizza, he gestures toward the door. “Lead the way.”
So, I do. I let him follow me through the hall to my tinyoffice in the back. I sit in front of my computer so I can wake everything up and minimize some of my other windows.
“You’ve been holding out on me.”
I look around my monitor so I can see him. “What?”
He nods to the corner of my desk. “You have cookies.”
Letting out a light laugh, I nod. “They’re from my coworker. They’re incredible. I think they’re shortbread but there’s a hint of lemon in them.” Picking up the container, I hold it toward him. “Help yourself. I planned on bringing them home for everyone.”
Carefully setting down the pizza box where the container of cookies just sat, he reaches for one. “Thanks.”
I stack the cookies on top of the pizza and refocus on my computer.
“Holy shit.” The words come out of him like a groan, and I peek around my computer to find him with his head back and eyes closed as the cookie undoubtedly melts in his mouth. “Please tell me she’s single and not out of my league.”
My lips pull into a smile. “Heis very much middle aged and married.”
Lowering his head, Braden catches my eye over the monitor. “Damn. All the good ones are taken.”
His tone is joking and light, but the way he’s looking at me has my heart picking up speed. I know what he’s implying. It’s what he’s been implying for months. Tilting my head slightly, I say, “Maybe you’re just looking in all the wrong places.”
He grins. “Yeah.” Tossing the rest of the cookie into his mouth, he shrugs. “I guess I am.” Perking up and rubbing his hands together, he walks around to my side of the desk. “All right. What do we have?”