I can’t take it anymore. “Jackson, can you just say?—”

“Come with me.”



Margot’s eyes widen,and a bewildered laugh leaves her lips. “What?”

I scratch the side of my head, barely believing the words coming out of my mouth. “Come with me,” I say again.

She starts to laugh again, but her smile fades when she realizes I’m not joking. It’s a big ask, and she might say no, but I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to think of it. I mean, I guess I do. The van was too small and things between us were too new. Then the RV wasn’t much bigger, and she was excited about her internship. But I’ve been thinking about what it would be like to have her with me ever since Dave mentioned it. I don’t think I was expecting the band to be so on board with me bringing my girlfriend, but I guess Margot has become more than that to them.

I know she’s more than that to me.

She stays frozen in place. “You’re serious.”

It isn’t a question, but I nod anyway. “Or don’t,” I quickly add, and her eyebrows pinch. “I’ll do whatever you want. If you want to stay here, I’m fine with long distance. But if you hate that, I’m fine with you coming with us—more than fine.”

She opens her mouth, but no words come out at first. I think I may have stunned her into silence until she finally asks, “In the RV?”

My lips lift. “No, we’re renting a tour bus. I think the guys are picking it up tomorrow.”

Her eyebrows shoot up. “Tomorrow.”

Shit, she’s freaking out. “I don’t mean you’d have to come with me tomorrow. I just mean, there would be plenty of room . . . if you decided to come.”

She doesn’t look any less confused. “On tour with you.”

I let out a breath of laughter. “Yes.”

She blinks, her hands flying up to stop me. “Wait, you’re leavingtomorrow?”

I grimace and pace a few steps closer. There’s still a kitchen island between us, so I rest my elbows on the counter. “Didn’t you see the tour announcement?”

Margot comes closer until she’s up against the counter on the opposite side of the island. Her cheeks flush. “I might have blocked the band.”

“Committed,” I say dryly, and she gives me an apologetic look. “Well, Brian had to add dates to the beginning of the tour or something, so now we’re getting thrown into it without much of a break. The other guys all stayed, but they let me come home for a day.”

She frowns. “You flew across the country, just to see me? For one day?”

“Why are you saying it like you’re surprised?”

“Because I am surprised.”

“You shouldn’t be.”

“But we’re not together.”

I level my gaze on her. “Yes. We are.”

Her cheeks flush, and she shifts her weight. I like that she still squirms when I look at her. She must register my amusement because she scoffs and turns away. “You’re impossible.”

The corner of my mouth twitches. She’s cute when she tries to put up a front.

She spins on her heels to face me again. “So, you want me to drop my life and tour with you?”

“I want whatever you want. I’m just saying, you can.”