Lifting my cup, I shake my head. “I’m all right.”

Brady eyes my whiskey. “Did they card you?”

“Nope.” I set down my glass. “Fucking waste.”

Dave’s laugh still manages to carry throughout the bar. “Aw, don’t let it get you down. I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities for you to use your fake.”

Brian studies me as I take a sip of my drink, and I pause. “What?”

“You’re too sober.” Looking at the other two guys, he reiterates. “He’s too sober.”

Brady laughs as Brian’s hand shoots into the air, signaling to someone he’d like another round.

I smile. “Someone should keep an eye on us now that you’ve loosened your tie.”

Mya slides into the booth next to me. “Damn, this place is packed.”

“Hey, Mya, want to make sure no one fucks up tonight?” Brian yells across the table over the music.

Mya’s eyes narrow. “You mean doyourjob?” She holds his stare as she brings her drink to her lips. “No.”

Dave snorts a laugh. “If you think about it, the only one who might need watching is Marty.” He points to me first. “He’s head over heels for Margot, I’m trying to get back in Lynn’s good graces, and Brady will probably propose as soon as this tour is done.” He shakes his head. “I can guarantee you that pissing off any of those women is ten times more terrifying than the threat of bad press.”

Brady lifts his beer. “I’ll drink to that.”

Dave gives Brian a knowing look that has him cursing under his breath. “Let me go find that horny son of a bitch.”

Brady steps aside to make room, and a tall brunette sets four shots on the table. Before he leaves, Brian points to the shots and then points at me. “Three of those are for you.” Grabbing the fourth, he mutters, “I’m taking this one.”

“You do that.” I toss the first shot back, and grimace. “Tequila?” I shake it off before downing the second. “Gross.”

Mya reaches past me to pick up the third. “Then you won’t mind if I take this one.” She downs it like a machine, but quickly chases it with whatever pink drink she’s sipping through a straw.

By the time Brian comes back after finding Marty, I’ve somehow let Dave talk me into taking another shot, Mya left usand is now flirting with some girl at the bar, and Brady has been talking to any fan who stops by the table. The way he can talk to people he doesn’t know might be even more impressive while he’s buzzed.

I’ve just been drinking.

Well, that, and I texted Margot to let her know I’m thinking of her. I’m always fucking thinking of her.

“Well, I think he’ll keep his dick in his pants until he’s in private,” Brian says with a huff as he collapses in the booth. You’d think the guy had just run a marathon hunting down our bass player.

“Did you tell him public bathrooms aren’t private?” I ask as I take another sip of my drink.

Brian stares at me. “Do I need to?”

I shrug. “Wouldn’t hurt considering his track record.”

I figured everyone knew about Marty’s quickies, but based on the way Brian lets out a sigh and says, “Goddamn it,” I guess I was wrong.

When he goes to get up again, I motion for Brian to sit back down. “Let him have his fun. It’s not like we’re at the venue.” It feels weird to defend Marty, but I don’t want to be the reason he gets scolded.

Brian considers my point before fully sitting again. “I guess that’s fair.”

Dave leans in closer to me. “We’ll just leave out the fact that he told a few of the staff from the venue to join us here.”

I shake my head and take another sip. “Of course he did.”

When I’m brought another whiskey, I start to sip slower. I’m feeling it, and the last thing I need is for someone to get a kick out of me stumbling.