I let out a breath of laughter and her eyes widen.
“We’re in Tampa!” she says again, this time with a grin.
“I know!” I say, matching her excitement.
She laughs as she shuts her laptop and puts it away.
The two couples on the couch get to their feet, and Dave puts his arm around Lynn, holding her close. “We’re headed to the Hard Rock. Want to come?”
I shake my head. “Thanks, but our friends will be here soon.”
“That’s right,” Dave says with a nod. “Tell them all I said hey. I texted Brian but if he starts bitching, tell him where to find us.”
They all wave before heading off the bus, and then it’s just Margot and me. She gets to her feet, wraps her arms around me, and leans her head against my chest.
Having her here is the best feeling.
Seeing her thrive is the best feeling.
Being loved by her, is thebestfeeling.
It’s not a quick hug. She doesn’t pull away in a hurry to prepare for Matt and Rae. It’s a hug where she relaxes into me. One that lets me inhale her strawberry shampoo.
She looks up at me, and I kiss her. The kiss is slow and sweet, and even when we break apart, she doesn’t pull away. I brush my thumb across her cheek, tracing over her scattered pattern of freckles, and when I softly say, “I love you,” it’s nothing but a murmur against her lips.
“I love you,” she says before pushing up on her toes and kissing me again.
“Jackson!” Matt’s undeniable voice hollers from somewhere outside, and Margot’s face breaks into a grin. She ducks around me and practically runs out of the RV. I know she’s not that excited to see Matt, but where there’s Matt, there’s Rae.
By the time I reach the top step of the tour bus, she already has her arms flung around Rae’s neck in the parking lot below, and Matt has cupped his hands around his mouth to let out another, “Jack-son!”
Our favorite couple isn’t alone either. Braden walks with Matt and tosses me a wave.
The last time I saw Braden, he was knocking on Margot’s door to apologize for wanting to kiss her. It’s weird to think about, but I still like him. And Margot likes him. I’m glad he took me up on the free ticket.
“It’s about time you showed up,” I say to Matt once he lowers his damn hands.
He grins. “You’ve been crying yourself to sleep every night without me, haven’t you?”
I cock a half-smirk. “And writing in my diary.”
I step back so he can jog up the steps into the tour bus, and he crashes into me with a hug, patting me on the back before he lets go.
He looks around the place like he’s considering buying it, but my attention gets pulled away when Rae wraps her arms around my waist. “The show was so good tonight!”
I lift my arms, caught off guard by the gesture, and hug her back. When she lets go, I turn to Braden and nod. “I’m glad the wristbands worked.”
Matt pauses from taking in the tour bus and looks at me. “Was there a chance they wouldn’t?” He holds up his arm to show the neon pink paper band that gave them all access to come back here.
I shrug. “You never know.”
Matt drops his arm with a shake of his head. “Motherfucker,” he mutters with a laugh and my grin widens.
The tour bus has never felt more like home.
It doesn’t take long for me to give Rae a complete tour of the bus, but by the time we make it back to the front, the guys are all sitting on the couch with beers in their hands. Just the sight of Jackson sitting with his elbows on his knees while he listens to his closest friend talk about his latest lacrosse game is enough to make me smile.