I lift my brow. “Oh, yeah?”
Jackson’s nose skims mine, his thumb tracing the line of my jaw, and I can already feel the ache in my core again. “You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted, Margot—more than I ever wanted.” He kisses me a little more tenderly, and it stealsthe breath from my lungs. “Now it’s my turn to make sure you get everything you want, too.”
Reaching my arms up, I drape them around his neck and kiss him deeper. I know he means my career, my friends, my own life outside of him, but I will have all those things. What I want most right now is to be happy, and I am. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I kiss him deeper and say against his lips, “I already have it.”
This airport goodbyeis different than the one we shared in New York. This one isn’tsee you in a matter of months.This one isdays.This one feels more likesee you later,I never realized how much saying goodbye to Margot took from me, but this one leaves me still feeling whole.
Because she’s coming.
I wish she were coming now, but I can wait two weeks. Two weeks is nothing compared to two months. The days will fly by, and she’ll be touring with me before I know it.
Her car is still running as I hold her tight. “I’ll text you when I land.”
Her arms wrap around my waist tighter. “Thank you for coming back.” Her voice is small, maybe a little ashamed, like she knows how different our lives would be if I hadn’t.
“I’ll always come back for you, Red.” I kiss the top of her head, and she looks up at me. Those warm brown eyes hold so much feeling, and I hope she never stops looking at me like this. I hope she always gives away everything she’s thinking with a single glance.
She smiles faintly. “I love you.”
My own smile widens. Even though I could see it in her eyes, nothing beats hearing her say it.
Tilting her chin up, I kiss her. “I love you.”
It feels as natural as breathing. It feels like the most mundane yet liberating thing I could possibly say to her. Loving her is so ingrained in me at this point, saying it feels like coming home. It feels like finally letting out the breath I’ve been holding, and no grand gesture could ever beat this feeling.
I kiss her again, and she smiles against my lips. “Go.”
“I am going,” I say, kissing her again.
She laughs. “Jackson, I’m serious.”
“So am I.” I take her bottom lip between my teeth.
She sucks in a breath and my cock twitches. After breakfast, I made her fall apart twice, and she did the same to me. I should be content, but I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of her.
“Jackson, you can’t fuck me outside the airport terminal.”
“See,” I say, holding her face in my hands and kissing her deeper. “That thought never even crossed my mind until you put it there.”
She puts her hands on my chest but does a poor job of actually pushing me away. Shaking her head, she says, “Two weeks,” and I take a little too much pleasure in how breathy her voice sounds.
“Two weeks,” I repeat.
“Go,” she says again, and this time I listen. Picking up my guitar case, I dip my chin.
“Two weeks,” I say again.
Her smile blossoms on her face. “Go,” she mouths the word again, and I grin.
Turning, I head toward the entrance of the airport. “I love you, Red!” I call over my shoulder, and when I look, she’s shaking her head at me with an adorable smile.
“I love you,” she says with a laugh before blowing me a kiss even though she’s definitely shaking her head at me.
As soon as I’m inside the airport, I check in, find my gate, and gradually get pulled back to my reality. I’m on my own, flying out to meet up with the band so we can finalize the set list for our first tour. It’s what I’ve always dreamed of.