‘Not really. But she mentioned John Morgan, the guy who was murdered. She said he was a good friend to her.’
‘Yes. Not a sexual relationship, if that’s what you’re thinking.’
‘Did she keep in contact with him afterwards?’
Jess scrunched up her eyes, pondering the question. ‘She never said.’
‘Who else did she talk about who was in there with her?’
‘She didn’t like the manager. Irene something. Shannon said she was like an old-fashioned headmistress. She even had one of the staff in tears at some important event. Shannon said it was awful.’
Lottie sat up straighter. ‘Can you remember anything she said about that incident?’
Jess picked at the cuticle on her thumb. ‘The Irene one was putting on a big show to attract funding and she had invited a load of hobnobs from town. Then this poor girl lost it and was in hysterics. That’s what Shannon said.’
‘Did she say who it was?’
Jess shook her head. ‘If she did, I can’t remember.’
‘Okay. Anything else?’
‘She knew Laura Nolan.’
‘Shannon did?’
‘No, well, yes. I remember her saying this Laura comforted the girl who freaked out.’
And now those two were dead, Lottie thought. ‘How did Laura know Aneta?’
‘Who’s Aneta?’
‘We believe that Aneta Kobza is the young woman you were referring to.’
‘I heard that name somewhere. Maybe Shannon did mention it.’
Or Jess had heard it on the news but wasn’t making the connection. Not yet. ‘So tell me more about Laura and Aneta.’
‘That’s all. Oh yeah, Laura’s mother was there that day and apparently she left in an awful rush, right after the incident with this Aneta. Shannon said it was bizarre.’
Interesting, Lottie thought. Diana had run off too when she’d heard Aneta was dead. What the hell was she missing?
‘And you definitely don’t remember Shannon saying anything about what caused the incident?’
‘Nope. I was only half listening to her. I’m sorry now. Shannon’s a good person. And that escort thing worried me. Maybe it was because she was trying to get enough money to move out. Which is a bit mad really, considering she spent every cent she got on nights out.’
‘Did she mention where she wanted to move to?’
‘She had big notions. She loved the new houses down at Pine Grove. I remember her saying that if she won the Lotto that’s where she’d live. Can you believe she even went to view the show home? Talk about annoying yourself when you haven’t a euro in your pocket.’
‘When was this?’ Lottie leaned forward.
‘Oh, I don’t know. A few months back, maybe.’
‘Did she meet anyone there?’
Jess widened her eyes. ‘Oh! You mean John Morgan. He worked on the site, didn’t he? And he’s dead now. Fuck.’