‘Jesus.’ He had the word out before he caught it. ‘Yes, Rex. I’m wondering if you saw her?’
He looked towards the window with its heavy curtains drawn, blocking out the natural light. ‘She was just lying there. She wouldn’t talk to me because she was dead.’
‘Okay. Good lad. What did you do?’
The boy leaned his head to one side and looked at Garda Lei beside him. ‘Are you Chinese?’
‘I’m Irish, but my grandparents are Chinese.’
‘That’s so cool.’
Kirby nodded for Lei to continue the conversation, all the time fretting that they should not be quizzing a child withouthis parents’ knowledge. But hadn’t they left the lad to fend for himself?
‘You’re such a brave boy,’ Lei said. ‘How would you like to help us find out what happened to the poor lady?’
‘Can I go in a squad car? With the sirens on?’
‘We could arrange that for you sometime, if your parents allow it.’
Rex dropped his head and fiddled with his nails. Kirby noticed they were clean. The boy appeared well cared for, but he wasn’t at school and was home on his own.
‘They’ll say no,’ Rex said eventually.
‘Why would they say that?’ Lei asked quietly.
‘They’re always fighting. I’m just a nuisance.’
‘No you’re not. You’re a great kid and you’re able to help the guards.’
‘Sure you are.’ Lei inclined his head towards Kirby without verbalising his question. Kirby nodded.
‘We’ll need to call your mam or dad now,’ he said, ‘to see if it’s okay to talk to you.’
Rex sprang up quickly.
‘You better go,’ he said. ‘Mammy will kill me for letting you intothishouse.’
The way he said it, Kirby figured the child did not like his home. ‘Why do you say that? Did you live somewhere before?’
Rex sat back down and curled up into himself. ‘Leave me alone.’
Kirby felt they had to leave, even though the child was a viable witness. Should he call social services? He didn’t know what to do, but the boss would.
‘Don’t worry, Rex, we’re going now. We’ll come back later when your parents are here. Okay?’
The brown eyes bored into him. ‘Don’t tell them I let you in. Don’t tell them. Please.’
‘I won’t say a word.’
Out on the pavement, Kirby saw McKeown storming towards them.
‘Here comes trouble,’ he whispered to Lei.
‘Where did you two lugs disappear to?’ McKeown’s face was purple, incandescent.
‘We found the boy,’ Kirby said.