After formalities were dispensed with, Irene Dunbar, the Cuan manager, seated herself primly behind an old wooden desk with a green leather insert. A bundle of manila files were piled up on the floor, as if the woman had cleared the desk for Lottie’s impromptu visit.
‘Okay if I call you Irene?’ Lottie said, trying to get comfortable on the hard chair.
‘That’s what everyone calls me. You do know I can’t give out any personal information without a warrant, and even then it would need to be carefully worded.’
Jesus, she was going to be a worse pain than Mona. Lottie explained about the recent murders without mentioning any names. ‘It’s come to my attention that the victims spent time here last year. All I want is confirmation of that fact. It may assist my investigation or it may have nothing to do with it.’
‘Who are you enquiring about?’
‘Firstly, I know John Morgan was a resident in Cuan last year. His mother told me. Then there’s Laura Nolan…’ She let the name hang there, hoping Irene would bite.
Shit, Lottie thought. The woman’s face was impassive, but was that a twitch at the corner of one eye? ‘I believe Laura was also here for a time. I just need to confirm the dates. Was it while John was here?’
‘I can’t comment. I explained that.’ Irene’s tone implied that Lottie was stupid. Try again.
‘You can confirm that Laura was here, just not when?’
‘It was you who said she was. I didn’t confirm or deny it.’
Could she throw the receptionist under the proverbial bus? She didn’t want to, but needs must. ‘Mona said Laura had been resident here.’
Irene’s face reddened, but she quickly regained her composure. ‘Mona had no right to say anything of the sort.’
‘So we have established that Laura Nolan resided here for a time. If I give you some dates, I know you won’t answer, but can you just nod if they match Laura’s time here?’
‘Good God, Inspector, this is more like an episode ofLine of Dutythan real life. Off the record, okay?’
Irene folded her arms, then unfolded them as if she didn’t know how best to present herself. ‘As she is deceased, I can confirm that Laura Nolan was here for one week last year. I recognised her name and photo on the news. I can’t give any more details other than to say that her week was during the time John Morgan was here. Is that all?’
She stood. This irritated Lottie, who remained seated, but it suited her at the same time. She wanted to catch the manager off guard. She whipped out her phone and tapped the photo icon.
‘Do you recognise this woman?’ She held the phone just far enough away that Irene had to lean over the desk to view the image.
‘Good Lord!’ Her hand went to her chest dramatically and she dropped back onto her chair. ‘Is she… is she dead?’
‘I’m afraid so.’
‘What happened to her?’
A name, Lottie silently prayed, drop a name. ‘She was murdered. Her body was found this morning. Dumped in a field with only birds for company. Awful.’
‘Oh my God.’ Irene removed her spectacles. She wiped the lenses with the hem of her white shirt before replacing them on the bridge of her nose.
‘We can’t begin a proper investigation into this young woman’s death until we identify her. We know nothing about her, only that someone murdered her. I need your help.’
Finding a tissue up her sleeve, Irene wiped the corner of her eye and blew her nose. ‘It’s Aneta Kobza. She worked here as a caregiver, early last year. Maybe for a month or so. I can’t remember how long. One day she didn’t turn up and never returned. I tried her phone, but it was dead. I figured she’d gone home to Poland. I put her behaviour down to bad manners when she left without notice. She was a good worker. And they aren’t ten a penny, I can tell you.’
‘I’d like to see her personnel file. It might be helpful.’
‘As she’s deceased, I suppose I’m not breaking any confidentiality laws. Give me a minute.’
Irene rose slowly from her chair, as if the life had been drained from her body. A tinge of sympathy for the woman was quickly replaced by anticipation when she returned with a slim manila folder. It didn’t contain much. A one-page job application, including an address at Hill Point apartments in Ragmullin, and a photograph pinned to the inside cover of the file.
Lottie gasped. ‘Gosh, she was beautiful.’