But before the papers got wind of any scandal, she was certain the guards would find out. One thing she was sure of: they would not find out from her.
‘Who were you on the phone to?’ Lottie asked Boyd as they climbed the steps into the station.
‘An estate agent. I realise we have this murder investigation, Lottie, but could we squeeze in at least a half-hour this afternoon to look at the show home at Pine Grove?’
‘Are you for real?’ She tapped her ID against the pad and headed up the stairs to the office.
‘Just a quick look. Charlie says it’s the only time she has free. Three thirty. Today.’
‘And what’s wrong with tomorrow? Or next week? Or when we find Laura Nolan’s murderer? And who the hell is Charlie? Shit, Boyd, it’s your first day back.’
‘Humour me, for once.’ He opened the door and let her in by him. ‘Charlie’s the estate agent. It’ll only take ten minutes.’
‘Thought you said half an hour.’
‘Don’t be pedantic. Please, Lottie.’
‘I’ll see.’
‘I have to let them know.’
‘You go. I might not be able to get away.’
‘I want us both to see it.’
‘Boyd,’ she turned to him, ‘leave it for now.’ Speaking to the others in the office, she asked, ‘What’s the latest?’
Kirby said, ‘The super is holding a press briefing at three and wants all the available information before then. Preferably a suspect. Her words, not mine.’
‘She doesn’t ask for much,’ Lottie said. ‘We’ve only just broken the news to the victim’s mother. She’s in complete shock. I’ll need an FLO. Garda Brennan, that’s you.’
‘Ah, boss, I can’t.’
Lottie raised an eyebrow.
Martina Brennan had isolated herself following their last major case, when she’d made an error that could have been more costly than it was. And then there was all the hassle over her doomed affair with married Detective Sam McKeown.
‘I messed up last time, boss,’ she said.
‘Get back in the saddle,’ Kirby said. ‘It’s the only way.’
She gave him a side-eye filled with derision. ‘You do it then.’
‘I’m not trained. You are.’
‘So is Detective Lynch.’
‘She’s on holidays,’ Lottie said, hoping to dispel further aggravation. ‘And Garda Lei isn’t fully trained yet.’
He raised his head. ‘I don’t mind doing?—’
Lottie tugged off her jacket. ‘It’s Martina’s gig. End of story.’
‘Sure,’ Martina said, her mouth turning down in disgust.
‘What else have you lot found out while myself and Boyd were with Laura’s mother?’