‘Yes, but Boyd, I still can’t put my finger on a motive for all this sorrow and death.’
‘It will come. Once we turn over every stone.’
‘That reminds me, we need to review whatever door-to-door reports we have from around the area where Aneta’s body was found.’
‘Why dump her out there in the arsehole of nowhere?’
‘So that she wouldn’t be found easily?’
‘Maybe the killer slipped up,’ Lottie said, with more hope than conviction.
Katie had the phone in her hand with Jackson’s contact details open on the screen. Or Greg’s or whatever the hell he called himself. Granny Rose was sleeping, while Louis was doing a jigsaw, though she knew he was really watching television. She had hoovered and dusted the house, then tidied her gran’s clothes away. With a chicken roasting in the oven, she was at a loose end.
Things needed to be clarified with him, but at the same time she wondered if she wanted to do that at all. Conflicted, she was about to put the phone back in her pocket when a sharp knock rattled the back door. If it was Greg, she was angry enough to kill him. But how could it be him? He didn’t know where she was or where her gran lived.
Opening the door, her mouth dropped open. Had she subconsciously manifested him to appear? She said nothing, waiting for him to speak.
‘Eh. Ehm. Hi, Katie. I’m sorry to barge in. Your sister, the girl who works in Fallon’s – Chloe, isn’t it? She gave me the address. She said to go to the back door. Here I am.’
‘I don’t believe for a minute she’d tell you. She knows all about you.’
‘I get that, but she was prepared to give me a chance, and though I don’t deserve it, I’d like you to do the same.’
Katie thought if she had a euro for every time she figured she was going to kill Chloe, she’d be rich by now. She struggled to get a word to come out of her mouth.
‘As I’m here, can I come in?’ He sounded unsure.
‘On condition you tell the truth this time.’ And against her better judgement, she led him into her gran’s kitchen.
He was seated with a mug of coffee, which she’d reluctantly made for him. She noticed he didn’t touch it. He just ran a finger up and down the chipped ceramic. He looked gorgeous in a navy polo jumper and dark blue denims. His leather jacket seemed new. She hoped her gran stayed asleep a little longer, because she could do without interruptions this time.
‘Say what it is you’ve come to say.’
‘You’re not making it easy.’
‘You don’t deserve it.’
‘Point taken. I’m sorry. I was afraid to tell you my real name. I thought if you googled me, you’d find out that I run a dating agency, as well as being a photographer. I know it all sounds seedy, but I made good money and I’m on the verge of buying my own office space.’
‘Do you want a medal for all that then?’ She paused, wanting to shove him back out the door. ‘My mother said you run an escort business, and when I think of escorts, the first thing that pops into my head is sex workers.’
‘It’s nothing like that. It’s like online dating.’
‘I think you’re delusional, Greg. Is that even your real name?’
‘Yes, it is. I sometimes go by Jackson when I’m out. It’s my middle name.’
‘Why are you even here?’
‘I like you, Katie. I’ve made a hash of things so far… I’d like us to start again.’
‘Not a hope. How did my mother know who you were?’
She noticed how he bit his lip. Was that what he did when he was making up another lie?