‘I told you on the phone that she’s in meetings all day,’ Mona said.
‘We still need to talk with her. Otherwise I’ll have to get an arrest warrant for her.’
‘I’m only doing my job.’ Mona’s lips turned downward. She wiped crumbs from her mouth, smearing her bright red lipstick, then balled up crusts in tin foil and threw them into a bin behind her. Was it lunchtime? Lottie felt she could eat the crusts herself.
‘Maybe I can help you, if you tell me what it is you want to know. I emailed over everything you asked for yesterday.’
‘Thanks for that, but I want to talk to Irene.’
Sighing loudly, Mona pressed a button at the side of her glass prison. ‘This way.’
She tapped in a code on a keypad and led them down the short corridor. She knocked, and when there was no reply, she opened the door. The office was empty.
‘Oh, Irene must have left.’
‘Wouldn’t you know if she had?’
‘Not necessarily. She often leaves by the rear exit.’
‘You said she had meetings all day. Here or elsewhere?’
‘Phone meetings. She’s trying to rally the board, because there will be fallout. You know. Because Aneta worked here.’
‘And don’t forget, Mona, two other murder victims and a missing woman had connections here too.’
‘That’s not public knowledge.’
‘Not yet,’ Lottie said, trying to stem her growing annoyance at being given the runaround. ‘Where would Irene go?’
‘I honestly don’t know. I can give you her home address and mobile number.’
‘Thanks.’ Lottie looked to Boyd. He didn’t seem to have anything to add, so she asked, ‘What are the fees like here?’
‘The day care is covered by the health service, and they subsidise a portion of the costs for residents if they undergo means-testing.’
‘You don’t necessarily have to be wealthy to be admitted, then?’
‘Not really, though we have a waiting list.’
‘Would Laura Nolan and Shannon Kenny have qualified for the subsidy?’
‘I’d have to check.’
‘I’m sure you’ve looked at their files since my visit yesterday.’
‘Right. Okay. Laura and Shannon’s stays were subsidised.’
‘What about John Morgan?’
‘His fees were paid in full.’
‘And do you know why Aneta wanted to work here?’
‘She seemed to walk into a job the minute she arrived in Ireland. Is that usual?’
‘There is a vetting process all employees have to go through.’