Page 100 of Her Last Walk Home


There was a commotion at the office door. Boyd could not believe who was walking into the office, followed by Garda Thornton.

‘Grace, what are you doing here?’ His sister had a scowl on her face and Sergio by the hand.

Thornton said, ‘I brought her to the interview room to wait while I went to call you down, and next thing I know she’s marching out behind me. Sorry.’

‘It’s okay,’ Boyd said, waving the older guard away.

Grace folded her arms and stood her ground. ‘I have to go back home to Galway. I brought Sergio to you. He’s fed and watered.’

He hugged his son and stared at his sister. ‘Did you walk?’

‘Well, I don’t drive.’

‘But why bring him here? I’m at work.’

She gave him a look as if to ask was he stupid. ‘I could hardly leave him home alone, could I? You need to look after him.’

‘But you agreed to mind him. Why do you have to leave so suddenly? You could have given me some notice.’

Grace’s eyes darkened. ‘I’m not your employee. I was helping you out as a favour, but now Bryan needs me more than you do. Lambing has started early. I’m going home to give him a hand.’

Boyd tried to get his head around it all as Grace eyed him with an indignant expression.

‘Stay until tomorrow at least. I’ll drive you to Galway myself. I need to put something in place for Sergio. Please, Grace. One more day, then I’ll drive you wherever you want to go.’

‘The only place I’m going is home, and I’m leaving now. I have my suitcase packed. I won’t change my mind.’

Boyd knew she could be as stubborn as he was at times. The difference being that Grace allowed no leeway. She had her mind made up and that was that. He tried one last time.

‘What if I ring Bryan and tell him Sergio needs you more than the sheep do?’

She frowned, drawing a shade down over her entire face like a window blind. ‘I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to emotionally blackmail me. That no longer works. I’m more intelligent than you give me credit for.’ She slung her bag over her shoulder and stood, feet apart, as if waiting for an apology.

Boyd didn’t want to fight. He glanced over to where Kirby had Sergio sitting on his desk. The boy was playing a computer game on Kirby’s phone. What was he going to do?

‘Have you nothing to say for yourself?’ Grace sounded more like his mother than his mother ever had.

‘I agree, Grace, I’ve been selfish. Go home to Bryan. Let me know how the sheep and lambs get on. Don’t keep me out of the loop.’

Her eyes widened. ‘What loop?’

‘I want to be part of your life. I want to meet Bryan. Okay?’

‘Of course you’ll meet him. Goodbye.’ She went over to Sergio and shook his hand as if he were an adult. Grace didn’t do hugs. A handshake was her limit.

When she’d left, the walls of the office seemed to heave a breath of relief and the air returned to Boyd’s lungs.

Kirby came over. ‘As the English say, you’re in a right pickle, mate. But listen, Amy’s at home today. I’ll ask her to keep an eye on the lad. She’d be happy to help.’

‘You’re a godsend. Thanks.’

‘I’ll call her.’ Kirby patted his pockets. ‘Now where did I leave my phone?’


There was an email from Mona, the Cuan receptionist, waiting in Lottie’s inbox, with the dates Aneta had worked there. She cross-referenced them with John Morgan’s dates and found that they’d overlapped for one week. She looked up Kirby’s notes on Shannon Kenny. Yes, she’d been there then too. Mona’s email had no mention of Laura Nolan.