Page 8 of Endgame

Selene helps me outside into a buggy with a driver, which whizzes both of us back to my cottage. When she starts to follow me in I stop her.

‘Thank you for being so kind to me, Selene. I’ll be fine from here.’

She nods and jumps back into the buggy.

My father’s voice kicks in as I lock the door behind me, and I do what he always taught me to do should a situation like this arise. I locate my bag and slowly start to pack away my clothes and toiletries. When I have finished, I dial nine.

‘Hello, reception? Please may I arrange for the next available car to take me to Boston Logan?’

‘My apologies, Miss Mason, we don’t have you leaving until tomorrow and the chopper is already arranged for your transfer,’ the gentleman at the end of the phone stutters.

‘My itinerary has changed. May I have a car to Boston Logan as soon as possible, please?’

‘I can try. Are you not happy with your stay?—’

I feel my throat closing with panic, so I push my next words out quickly. ‘If you could arrange a taxi for me as soon as possible, I’d be very grateful.’

‘No problem. I will be in touch as soon as I have arranged something.’

Shortly after, the phone rings. That was fast.

‘Hello, Ariella. It’s MrsThompson. We don’t have you leaving until tomorrow.’

‘I understand, but I would like to leave now, please.’ I hear my voice crack.

‘Oh, sweetheart. Do you think I could come to visit you?’ The compassion in her voice breaks me and the tears start to fall. I just want to leave.

‘I’m fine, thank you, MrsThompson. I’d just like a car, please.’

‘All right.’

There is a knock on my door five minutes later. When I open it, a sorry-looking Dominic is standing there. I stand aside to let him in before I shut the door wearily behind him.

‘I’m really sorry about earlier, but you can’t leave. You promised.’

‘I can leave, because I don’t feel safe, Dominic,’ I whisper quietly, shaking.

‘Is it because of what Max said? He wants to apologise.’

‘An apology means nothing. He could have called me anything, but he made that choice. Those words came from his gut, Dominic, and they were filled with venom. That’s what he thinks and feels. I’m not safe here.’ I start to sob and there is nothing I can do to stop. I have to sit to catch my breath.

‘Fuck! What can I do?’ Dominic pleads.

‘I just want to leave so I can feel safe again.’

‘I’m coming with you.’

‘Please don’t. I fly to my gigi tomorrow anyway, so it’s only one night.’

There is another knock on the door and Dominic goes to open it. Selene walks in.

‘MrsThompson said you’re leaving us.’

I nod. ‘Thank you so much for having me and looking after me, Selene.’

‘Why?’ she asks.

‘Because she rightly doesn’t feel safe with a violent, racist, narcissistic bigot on the loose when she is staying in a cottage in the middle of the woods by herself,’ Dominic snaps.