Page 63 of Endgame

‘Kevin Wong.’

‘Ariella Mason.’ I nod back.

‘I know. You’re impossible to miss.’

I’m not sure if he’s trying to be charming but he is making me uncomfortable. I take a deep breath to calm myself down, and step back.

‘Congratulations,’ I say, as a way of ending the conversation.

‘I’m not sure that’s the word I’d use. My wife is beautiful, but she’s mean.’

‘You’ve been married for less than four hours and I’ve only just met you, MrWong. Congratulations are all I have to offer.’

‘MrWong?’ He laughs. ‘Dominic did tell me that you were…painfully polite.’

‘I can live with that.’

‘Are you not enjoying the party?’

I don’t know where the conversation is going and why he is so far away from his own wedding reception, so I tread carefully.

‘It’s noisier than I am used to.’

‘Go to a lot of quiet weddings?’

I have no intention of indulging Kevin Wong. ‘No, just different. The groom disappearing mid-celebration is new.’

‘My wife litters the entire wedding ceremony and breakfast with indications that she’s a prisoner in my dungeon and that’s the bit that’s new?’

‘MrWong, I don’t mean to be abrupt; but?—’

‘Melissa and Caleb aren’t done with each other. You should know that.’

‘Haven’t you just exchanged vows with one of them?’

‘She’s Melissa Chang. I know what I’m getting into. I’m not sure you do.’

‘Thank you for your thoughts, MrWong.’

‘I can see how you’ve driven Dom nuts.’

‘It was enlightening to meet you, MrWong.’ I shut down the conversation immediately and turn to make my way back to the glass pavilion. I’d rather deal with the noise and the people than be alone with Kevin Wong.

‘Enlightening? Ouch!’ Kevin calls as he speeds up to catch up with me. Just before we reach the pavilion, he reaches out to stop me, with what seems like concern. ‘I think you’re going to be okay, Ariella Mason; but, just in case you aren’t, please stayclose to Dominic. Ah, speak of the devil.’ He looks towards the pavilion. I turn to see Dominic emerging from the glass dome.

‘Look who I found wandering out on the beach by herself!’ he shouts to a surprised-looking Dominic.

‘Don’t believe a word he says.’ Dominic calmly makes his way towards us. I muster a smile for him as I walk up to meet him.

‘Dom.’ I give him a hug, genuinely relieved to see him. Kevin was beginning to scare me.

‘Dom, eh?’ Kevin teases as he slaps Dominic’s shoulder. ‘All I got was MrWong.’

‘People get what they deserve, Kevin,’ Dominic lightly teases Kevin before he steps in front of me slowly and uses a hand to secure me safely behind him. Kevin gives me a final smile, then walks back into his sham wedding.

‘Are you okay?’ Dominic asks. ‘You looked a little shaken.’

‘Yes, thank you. He just came out of nowhere, that’s all.’