Page 60 of Endgame

‘How long have you been awake, beating yourself up?’

‘Not long enough. We’re in this mess because of me. So much of this could have been avoided if only?—’

‘I need to grow up too. I sway to your heartbeat, Caleb, and I must stop being scared of that. Also, please stop being hard on yourself. I know that you always try to do the right thing, even when your decisions are a little murky.’ I laugh a little.

‘A little? That’s generous.’ Caleb snorts and it makes me smile.

‘My decisions can be murky too. You fought so hard for us. You have never made me feel like I had to conform to any expectations with you and I’ve maybe taken advantage of that. I’m so sorry.’

Caleb leans forward slowly to kiss me softly and my mind empties. This is where I belong. When he pulls away, I open my eyes and see my favourite smirk in the world.

‘Before we both grow up and start behaving like sensible human beings, I’ve got to ask.’

‘We’re imperfect, but we try. That’s the main thing. Carry on.’

‘What the hell was that last night?’ His eyes are wide with excitement. I can’t help being sucked in and a huge part of me is delighted that we don’t have to act like grown-ups just yet.

‘I’m just as perplexed as you are. I really just had this deep longing to be close to you. Then we started breathing together and there was all this tingling in my body and I think I was meditating at one point and then I felt like I exploded.’ I giggle from behind my palm, embarrassed.

‘That has never happened to you before?’

‘You’ve got the orgasm monopoly here, Caleb.’

‘Nice.’ He grins, before attacking me with tickles.

‘I thought we were meant to be grown-ups now,’ I complain happily.

‘Maybe only when it counts?’

I pull my boyfriend’s face to mine and kiss him deeply.

The way Caleb and I connect is indescribable. This morning everything seems slower and deliberate, with a sense ofpermanence enveloping us as we carefully claim each other. We don’t bother to untangle ourselves as we indulge in a short nap.

We are woken by loud knocking on the bedroom door.

‘I demand you stop whatever nastiness is going on now. I’m coming in!’ After a generous pause, Lara opens the door to point at Caleb.

‘You. Honey is ready and waiting in the garden to beat your arse in training. And you.’ She moves her finger across to me. ‘Eden called to say Ruby will be here in an hour,’ she instructs.

‘I’ll jump in quickly before Honey.’ Caleb tosses the white sheets off him without a care in the world, forcing Lara to turn quickly.

‘My eyes, Caleb. I’m so young and I still have so much more to see,’ she complains. I don’t have the same issues. I could look at Caleb’s cute bum all day.

As soon as Caleb is safely in the shower, Lara demands I move over to his side before she lies on the bed next to me.

‘You whored yourself last night and you’re his again, aren’t you?’ she asks, giving me one of her judgemental looks.

‘I did and I am.’ I hide my face under the blankets, embarrassed.

‘What is it about that boy? Cats must look upon him with envy. He’s on his ninety-ninth life.’

‘I don’t know – but enough about me. How are things with Honey?’

Lara casts a glance towards the bathroom, then moves closer.

‘She gave me a little kiss on the lips before she got into her bed last night. It wasn’t a tongue-y one, just a quick goodnight one. It was nice.’

The happiness radiates out of her and I can’t help the joy that is bubbling inside me.