Page 42 of Endgame

‘Is Lou joining us?’ I ask as I sit next to Caleb on the couch.

‘We’re taking a break,’ Jack says, nonchalantly.

‘Are you okay?’

‘I’m fine, she isn’t though.’

‘Is she still calling? She promised me she’d give you some space,’ Em says.

‘No, but we’ve been texting. She thinks I’m seeing someone else, though, which I’m not.’

‘She must miss being with you all.’

‘I still see her away from the boys, but yeah. It’s not the same without her,’ Em says. ‘It’s also nowhere near the same without you and Caleb. How is Singapore?’ she asks me, quickly changing the subject.

‘Good. Busy. Lots of changes, but nothing insurmountable.’

‘What changes?’ Em asks.

‘We have a new owner.’

‘That can’t have gone down well?’

‘It’s okay. I’m locked into a two-year contract, which gives me enough time to do the best I can with the transition before I leave.’

‘Are you going to stay in Singapore?’

‘No. I want to come home.’

‘You do?’ Caleb asks, looking at me intently.

‘Yes. I have no intention of staying any longer than I have to.’

‘Will you come back to your old role?’ Em asks.

‘I don’t think so. I want to do something completely different. I’m just not sure what that will be.’

‘You should open a restaurant,’ Jack exclaims, his eyes shining.

‘Yes!’ Tim and Caleb say at the same time.

‘Jasper tried to buy me a restaurant years ago. I’ve looked into it, and I know a lot of chefs. But the probability of financial failure is extremely high and I think I might need something a little quieter. Work is noisy and I could really use a break.’

I feel Caleb lace his fingers through mine and give them a squeeze.

‘I’m gutted I won’t be able to have any of your cooking before you leave,’ Jack muses.

‘Are you that good?’ Em asks with a supportive smile on her face.

‘Yes!’ The three boys all nod enthusiastically.

‘These two I get, but you can calm down, Tim. It’s not like you’re suffering!’ Em humorously reprimands her husband.

‘She is that good, Em,’ Tim affirms happily.

‘I was going to make you ingrates some dinner, but now?—’

‘Ariella, you can make it!’ Jack says too quickly, making us all laugh.