‘When is she flying back?’
‘She’s on the same flight as Caleb while I’m stuck here trying to look for a job.’ She frowns.
‘How is that going?’
‘It’s not. I was going to start looking properly when you all leave. CrimeSpree asked me to come and work for him but I’drather poke my eyes out. At least it’s there should I get desperate though.’
‘I’m not sure you can take it anyway, Lara. Our contract says you can’t touch Ivory Bow clients for two years.’
‘Great. I don’t even have a soul-destroying backup now. Are you still okay to write me a reference?’
‘It’s already written. I just need to press send when I get the email addresses.’
‘Thank you, babe.’
‘Have you given up on finding something in Singapore?’
‘Nope. Just waiting for the dust to settle at Ivory Bow. I plan to send an application to the new CEO, seeing as you destroyed my chances with your self-demotion. Who does that?’
‘It was a lot of pressure. I feel like I have spent every single moment in Singapore trying to be someone else. I’m starting to worry that I won’t know who I am when this is over. I just need things to be normal for a while.’
‘Are they normal now?’
‘Nowhere near it.’
‘What’s going on?’
‘Dominic now owns a third of Ivory Bow and the entire Singapore franchise. I trust and respect him, but I’m worried because we’re attracted to each other?—’
‘That lip-lock in front of your building; I’ve never been prouder!’ Lara makes loud, childish kissing noises.
‘And he is now technically my boss. I wasn’t going to act on it before, but I definitely am not getting involved with my boss.’
‘Caleb will be thrilled to hear that.’
‘I’m not sure Caleb and I are going to work out, Lara.’
‘He asked me if I was attracted to Dominic.’
‘Please tell me you lied.’
‘No, Lara! That’s why everything is a mess at the moment.’
‘Okay, listen, goodie-two-shoes – you have a lot going on, but hear me out.’
I’m already suspicious of what she’s going to say.
‘Men are disgusting creatures. They just are. No shade. They want to screw everything all the time. That is one of the many reasons why for me they are just – ew. If every man was completely honest with their thoughts all the time, it would be the end of humanity as we know it. I love you, Aari, but you’re dealing with this all wrong. I get that you’re pissed off with him and hurt, but telling the man you want to work things out with that you’re attracted to another man is kind of mean.’
‘I just want to be honest.’
‘Okay, but did heneedto know that? Being caught snogging Dominic may have been unfortunate and, while you know I’m firmly in your corner, that would have been excruciating for him to watch. All you’ve done by answering that question is confirm to him that you liked it. Stop it. It’s cruel.’
Lara is right and I feel guilty and ashamed. I want to go to Caleb to make things right as soon as he arrives tonight.
‘And no, you’re not going to do that either,’ Lara says, narrowing her eyes at me.