‘I’m sorry I disappointed you, Daddy. I love you so much.’
‘You could never disappoint me, Ariella.’
‘Will you embrace him? Please?’
Daddy nods and pulls me in tightly.
And that’s all we need. Things are going to be fine.
It isn’t until I walk past Daddy that I see Isszy, Lara, Sophia and Em at a table full of food and drink. Lara is already wrestling with the red wine. They all stand as I walk in and come over to give me a group hug. I’m so overwhelmed, I freeze on the spot.
‘Right, young lady. Sit,’ Mummy instructs softly when the ladies have returned to their seats. I put my bum in the chair at the head of the table that Mommy points to as she stands behind the empty one next to me.
‘And that’s me gone,’ Daddy says, kissing my head, then grabbing the car keys and coat.
‘Thank you so much, everyone. I can’t?—’
‘Don’t thank us yet, baby. This is less of a party and more of an intervention. Lara says you’ve been good at taking your vitamins and attending your necessary appointments but you rarely leave the house and you’re not going to any classes. We’re not here to force you to do anything, but you need women around you while you’re going through this; so here we are. Today, you’re going to share what’s going on with you, we’re going to listen and then we’re going to help. Ask us anything. We have either been through this, are going through it right now or are excited to be where you are in the future.’
‘Eeee!’ Isszy squeals as she wiggles excitedly in her chair. ‘We’re officially trying!’ Seeing how excited Isszy is makes me instinctively stroke my bump.
‘Before you leave, you need to make a promise. No more hiding. If you’re worried, unsure, have a question, you call and you ask for help.’
I nod.
‘Ariella. What do you need to know?’ Mommy asks as she sits and pours me a sparkling juice.
‘I don’t know. I haven’t dared to look. What can I expect?’
‘The big one!’ Em laughs. I’m delighted that she’s here. I really like Em and I’ve missed her. ‘Do you have morning sickness?’
‘Not any more.’
‘What? You’re lucky!’ Sophia jumps in. Her belly is humongous. ‘And Jasper has this cologne that makes me want to vomit. We’ve thrown it out but it still lingers. Do your boobs hurt?’
‘Yes! It’s not too bad though.’
‘That’ll change!’ Mommy laughs. ‘And if you’re not peeing a lot, you’re not drinking enough!’
‘Get a pillow. One of the big long ones. They help my back,’ Sophia says as she grabs a nacho from the middle of the table.
‘This all sounds a little horrible,’ I say.
‘Wait until your first kick!’ Em says. ‘It’s magical.’
Mummy and Sophia nod enthusiastically.
‘In my case kicks. These ones are going to be rugby players.’ Sophia lovingly rubs her much larger bump. ‘Oh, and my hair, skin and nails have never looked this good!’
‘And just in case you were worried, your baby will be fine, you will cope financially and you will be a good mother,’ Mommy adds.
‘And you will develop excellent multitasking skills,’ Em pitches in. ‘But write everything down. You’re about to become a little forgetful.’
We spend the rest of the afternoon snacking, chatting, laughing and scaring Isszy. It’s dark when the intervention winds down, and I feel loved and supported – but also ready to love and support Isszy.
‘Jassie is outside,’ Sophia announces as she grabs her coat. It hurts a little but I sit where I am. She may have been lovely today, but I made her a promise.
‘Ariella, can we have a quick conversation?’ she asks softly.