Page 81 of Endgame

‘What about her blackmailer?’

‘You’re not going to believe it,’ I tease, knowing that she’ll get excited and beg for details. It’s cute.

‘Caleb. Spill, now.’ She puts her pencil and paper down, then sits up, erect, to listen.

‘It was her father. When she decided to take a break from her career, he wanted her to keep fighting. They had a huge falling-out.’

‘How did she find out?’

‘Lara. She texted the blackmailer, said she worked for Honey and had pictures that he may want. They met, Honey recognised him, all hell broke loose.’

‘Her dad?’ Ariella says, wide-eyed.

‘Her dad. Not everybody is lucky enough to get Hugh Mason.’ I give her a soft smile and she lights up at the mention of her father’s name. ‘Anyway, long story short, Honey and I are breaking up this week.’

‘What are you going to say?’

‘Nothing. We’re going out the way we came in. Social media is going to tell the story for us.’ I wink, then make my way to the kitchen to start our cheese on toast dinner.

We slip too easily back into our London routine out here and work that week is great. The DMVI lawyers don’t show up on Monday, so I go in on Tuesday without Dominic’s help, like I wanted. Honey and I also executed the perfect public break-up. All we did was attend the same high-profile charity event separately. I arrived first like we planned and, while I was standing to get my photo taken, she walked past me, texting on her mobile phone like I didn’t exist. When the photographers called for her, she insisted on standing as far away from me as possible. Then, as we expected, a photographer asked her for a picture of us together. She simply replied with an incredulous ‘I don’t think so’ and walked into the event. Lara caught it on video and sent it toTheSingaporean. It was up within half a day and we all spent most of the week being entertained by all the speculation online.

Ariella and I decided to keep our relationship quiet until the drama died down at least, which allowed us to enjoy our quiet corner of the world in the only way that mattered to us. However, just when I thought Dominic Miller had cooled his heels, the very next week he popped up and pulled a stunt that you wouldn’t believe.

‘Ariella.’ The doorbell ringing incessantly startles both of us. It’s Friday evening, which is usually the quietest night of the week for Ariella. ‘Ariella, it’s me. Open up.’ I recognise Dominic’s voice.

Aari rushes to the door and I follow.


‘I’ve been calling you. Where’s Caleb?’ Dominic comes through, followed by a heavyset man.

‘What’s wrong?’ Ariella asks, frightened.

‘Caleb. We need to get you out of here now,’ Dominic demands urgently. ‘Ariella, put your shoes on. Victor will take you to mine. You’ve been there all night.’

‘What’s going on?’ I ask, confused.

‘Singapore police will be at your home soon. Formally, they are going to pick you up as a suspect in Mel’s disappearance. Informally, they are picking you up for her murder.’

‘What? That’s ridiculous…’

‘They’ve found her bloody clothes and you were the last to see her. You need to leave now.’

‘We can go to them and—’ Ariella starts.

‘Do you have any idea what they will do to him? Caleb needs to come with me now. We need to get him away while they figure it out.’

‘Oh my God, Caleb!’ Ariella starts crying.

‘Hey, hey.’ I hold my girlfriend’s face. ‘It’ll be okay.’

‘Where are you taking him?’ Ariella asks, shaking.

‘I’m not sure yet. He’s going to need to disappear, and fast. I can get him on a plane tonight but we have to go now,’ Dominic explains.

‘I’m coming!’ Ariella runs into her living room to grab her wallet, phone and keys.

Dominic looks at me and shakes his head.