Page 55 of Endgame

‘Let’s lay off Caleb for a little bit, Lara,’ Honey says softly, returning to her side. Lara is not going to like that. No one tells Lara what to do. I brace myself for what’s coming.

She turns to Honey. ‘Fine. Oooh, want to hear my elevator pitch? It’s very good.’

‘Sure!’ Honey pulls up a bar stool.

‘So, after I’m all nice and interested in whatever crap they are telling me about themselves and their jobs, I thought I’d start with…’

The bell goes again, I open the door and there she is.

‘Hi.’ She smiles that smile that makes my heart stop. I instinctively pull her into a hug and she in turn wraps herself around me. The images in my head of her and Dominic disappear instantly. Maybe Lara is right, but it’s not a theory I want to test.

‘No one should be hugging their ex-boyfriend like that,’ Lara complains from behind me. ‘I’m your date. I should be the one getting the borderline inappropriate hugs.’

‘You and Honey are already here?’ Aari asks as she drops me and heads, arms wide open, to Lara.

‘I live here,’ Lara clarifies, and she pulls her best friend in for a hug.

‘No, you do not live here, you freeload here.’

‘Same difference.’

‘Hi, Honey.’ Aari offers a friendly wave. ‘Are you all ready? The car is waiting.’

We pile into the car, chatting excitedly as we fill Honey in on the wedding and why we are bound to go. Lara kindly leaves out any implicating details. When we arrive at the airstrip to join a horde of other guests, we are all in a great mood and looking forward to the long weekend away. As we make our way slowly through check-in, Lara starts identifying potential employers while I am stuck beating off people who want to say hello to or take a picture with Honey.

‘I knew you were a big deal, but not this big a deal,’ Lara comments.

‘Yes, you can use my popularity to secure employment, Lara, if you must.’ Honey anticipates Lara’s next question.

‘Nah, I only save that for people I don’t like. Like Caleb. And sometimes Ariella when she’s being naughty.’

‘Wait. What?’ Ariella turns round to give Lara a shocked look, making us all laugh.

If things stay like this, it’s going to be a great weekend, as long as we stick together. It’ll be even more fun when Ruby, Eden, Bryce, Lydia, Bree, Jess, Sian and Akiko join us tomorrow.

Finally we get called to our private jet, and as we board the very first person we see is Dominic. Of all the eight-seater jets in all the world. I try to get ahead of it.

‘Hey, Dominic. Good to see you slumming it like the rest of us, eh? I bet your pilots are pleased they got the day off.’ I extend my hand. If he doesn’t take it, he’ll be the dick, not me. Unfortunately, he does.

‘Actually, this is my plane. I donated it because I figured you guys might want to fly with someone you know rather than a whole bunch of people you don’t.’


‘Thank you, Dominic, that’s very kind.’ Aari steps forward for him to give her a kiss on the cheek.

‘Dominic,’ Lara squeals, and his smarmy look disappears and is instantly replaced with utter fright. I fucking love Lara Scott.


‘Yes! Good to finally meet you properly. I’ve been trying to get your attention.’ Lara immediately takes the seat opposite him.

‘Hi, Dominic, thanks.’ Honey quietly acknowledges him before walking to her seat. Ariella and I take seats opposite each other, much to my delight, but as soon as she is settled she pulls out her laptop and starts to type away.

Dominic doesn’t get to move the entire ninety-minute flight. Lara keeps him occupied, finding out about his business, asking questions, making him laugh, selling herself and being the most charming I’ve ever seen anyone be. By the time we land, she has not one, but two interviews lined up with DMVI. Dominic helps with her bags, walking right alongside her through immigration, customs and arrivals, deeply engrossed in their conversation.

It’s a short car journey through beautifully colourful tropical vegetation to Melissa’s wedding resort, where she has taken over the property for the weekend. I enjoy the warm, breezy air from our open-top jeep as I admire the breathtaking sea views that are the omnipresent backdrop as we travel to our destination. Whenwe arrive, we are separated from Dominic after we check in and a white buggy whizzes us to our two-bedroom villa.

‘I’m switching allegiances. Dominic is far more useful.’ Lara sighs and flops on the large soft couch in our villa’s living area.