Beatrice nods at a laughing Selene as she playfully chases some of the little children around under the night sky.
‘So how did you and Dom meet?’
I’d been so caught up in admiring Dominic’s mom that I’d left an opening for Beatrice.
‘I work for a company that delivers DMVI’s engagement programmes across Asia. We met at the end of the tendering stage and became friends.’
‘You look good together. It’ll be nice to inject a bit of colour into the bloodline. We are all a bit white, aren’t we?’
I don’t know how to respond to that, so offer a tight smile.
‘Just so you know, I’m an ally. The way black people have been treated and continue to be treated by our oppressive systems is appalling. You know, last year I was at a Black Lives Matter protest and got tear-gassed and everything?—’
‘Where’s Dom?’ Someone who could only be Maximilian stomps up to us, saving me from Beatrice’s proof of allyship.
‘He asked me to meet him here. I’m sure he’ll be here soon,’ I say, delivering my line again.
‘I can’t find Mack either,’ Maximillian says.
‘Oh…’ Beatrice responds. They don’t know that I know; and I am not about to tell them either.
‘I’m sure Dominic will be here soon,’ I offer. They both look at me with varying degrees of sympathy in their eyes.
It doesn’t take long for the news of Dominic and Mackenzie’s disappearance to spread through the guests. Unfortunately, Dominic doesn’t make it back to the party, and neither does Mackenzie. When the evening starts to wind down, I saygoodnight to the group I am standing with and I can’t help but notice the looks of pity I’m being given as I head for my cottage.
I feel instant relief as I step under the shower and take my time, allowing the water to wash the day away. I climb into bed, reach for my phone and connect to the cottage Wi-Fi for the first time since I landed in Boston. A message from Caleb pops up and I feel warm with affection, simply at the sight of his name. I’m smiling before I realise it.
Wanted to make sure you got there safely, little Mason.
I respond quickly, trying to calm the butterflies in my tummy that he still controls.
Yes, I did. Thank you for checking in.
A text comes back immediately.
So, has he put the moves on you yet?
Please, Caleb. I’m just here as his friend.
I know we aren’t together and I promised that I’d give you space, so I won’t say what I’m thinking right now.
Thank you.
When do you catch your flight to New Orleans?
The day after tomorrow.
So I just need to not be paranoid for one more day.
Trust me, I’m the last thing on Dominic’s mind at the moment.
We said we’d be honest with each other and we both know that isn’t true.
I am being honest. He’s dealing with some stuff out here.
Ok. Text tomorrow?
Yes. Goodnight Caleb.