‘Does he know?’
Dominic takes a couple of more steps back, then sighs.
‘I’m sorry, Dominic, this is partly my fault. I couldn’t let go of you even though I knew we couldn’t really be friends. Now, we’ve pushed each other to a place where I don’t think we can salvage any kind of relationship from this any more. I think it’s time to leave Singapore and go home. Please.’
‘You want to go home with him?’
I nod.
Dominic immediately retrieves his phone from his pocket, scrolls, finds what he is looking for and taps it to dial.
‘Samir! Tomorrow morning, I want Ariella Mason fired effective immediately. Give her the full two-year pay that she is due. If she tries to negotiate for more, give her whatever she wants. I just want her gone. And cancel her work visa. I want her out of the country within two weeks.’ Dominic pauses. ‘And Caleb Black too.’
He is silent for a while, in a way that suggests Samir is asking questions to try to understand what is going on.
‘I don’t give a fuck if they all walk out with her. I want both of them dismissed by the end of the day tomorrow, and out of the country as soon as possible.’
Dominic hangs up.
‘Goodbye, Ariella,’ he says sadly, then steps forward. I know he’s going to try to kiss me. I put my hand on his chest gently to stop him.
I am cut off by loud banging and the doorbell ringing chaotically from fast, repeated depression.
‘Dominic! Open the FUCK up. NOW!’ Caleb shouts as he bangs.
As Dominic does so, the door is pushed forward and knocks him back. Caleb rushes in, grabs Dominic by the front of his shirt and punches his face with such force, I think I hear something crack. I run over to try to pull Caleb off him. Caleb’s fist continues to smash into Dominic’s face with every word.
‘Leave. My. Girlfriend. Alone!’
Dominic is on the floor by the time Caleb is done.
‘What the fuck, Aari.’ Caleb is fuming. ‘We are going home. Now!’
I hear Dominic laugh through his bloodied face.
‘She is. You’re not. You’re going to pay for this, and do every single second of your time here. And I’m going to make it hurt.’
‘Dominic, please, no!’ I cry.
‘Fuck him. Let’s get out of here,’ Caleb says, grabbing me by my arm. He quickly guides me from Dominic’s house with MsPat following.
My emotions are all over the place when we get back home, while Caleb is still dialled into pure fury.
‘What did he do to you?’
‘He kicked MsPat out and locked you in his house for nothing? When are you going to stop making excuses for him?’
‘He misunderstood a conversation we had, that was all.’
‘What conversation?’