Page 83 of Scalebound

Abner and Clemmy were right next to us as well, listening to our conversation. “It looks like it’s growing inside of the Earth,” Clemmy answered.

“How is it growing?” Damian asked.

“The magic being used must be very strong to create some sort of hole in the Earth. I think the Deathlies are eating the Earth alive.”

Eating the Earth alive.

How could Tobias have this much magic? How could he be this powerful? He must be working with someone. But who? The only people I could even think of who were connected to the magic from the Old Religion were Tybalt, the sorcerer who worked with Damian… And my grandmother.

Could this be my grandmother's work? Was Tobias forcing my grandmother to do this?

“Damian, could the sorcerer you worked with do something this intense?” I asked, wondering what his capabilities were. It stung a little bit to talk about the sorcerer and the betrayal.

“From what I know, yes.” I wanted this to be the answer. I wanted it to be him, not my grandmother or Tobias.

The shadows of the Deathlies would rise high above the trees and the forest and then plummet into the caving hole in the ground, finding home however deep it went. The black figures screeched, fought, and rounded the area, their slate bodies revolving. Some would leave in different directions, and others would return. They would never carry anything as they did, so it didn’t seem they were collecting anything oranyone.

What was their purpose? Why would anyone create these things? “If he had started this, do you know why he would’ve?” I asked Damian.

“That’s the hard part. He is always creating deals with others. Someone would have created a deal with him to do this for something in return. That’s the only answer that would make sense.”

“Well, I do not see the connection tethered to the magic here. It’s too dark. If the effects of it were translucent, we wouldn’t be able to see, anyway.” Clemmy was right. I didn’t see the connection, either. It would either be lit up with purple, translucent, low energy, or a different color than it originally was. Even then, nothing here wasalive,making it hard to know what could be the medium. The object would have to have life to fuel this.

“At least we know what we are up against now. Ready?” Abner asked, suggesting that we should leave. The Deathlies had such a brooding presence that brought goosebumps to my skin and made my arms tingle unnaturally. My body became enveloped in a shroud of icy tendrils, and my insides burned up with fear. One mistake and we could be found or heard. I ached to get outof here. To feel warmth again and to not feel the thickness of ice in the air.

The feeling of death was so dense that I could taste it.

Turning to look at Damian and the others, I said, “Let’s get out of here.”

1.Haxnau (Hah-nah-woo): Hell

2.Waimanimet (Way-mawn-imet): Abner’s dragon

3.Uanai (Wah-nay): Everything

4.Rasandrea (Rah-sawn-dreh-aw): Ready

5.Laneux (Law-neh-ooh)

Chapter fifty-five


As our dragons landed, taking us back to the others, Luella immediately approached us. She begged us to tell her every single detail as her ebony hair bobbed from side to side, her nose scrunching with excitement. Clemmy wrapped her arms around small Luella’s shoulder, taking her toward the fire where she told Luella everything before she begged loud enough for the Deathlies to find us.

Smiling as I watched them meander away, Damian approached me. “You okay?” he asked, noticing the chills on my arms. Or felt the nausea that radiated throughout my body, coursing through my veins, telling me that the Deathlies needed to be stopped.

Shaking my head in response, I knew that I wasn’t okay. However, the urge to pretend that I had become a mask, a false identity, clung to my skin. I wanted to run home back to the comfort of my tower, but the problem was that I didn’t wantto be here or there. My body ached. My mind ached. Betrayal threatened my every step.

With what happened to Damian, I wasn’t sure that I could trust anyone else. I wanted to trust the Scalebornes, but I just wasn’t sure. I knew they made it this far with me, but what if I wasn’t enough? What if they get sick of fighting the Deathlies? What if they get sick of risking their lives for something that was my kingdom’s problem?

Angie’s words raced back to my mind. Did they all feel that way? Was I a burden to everyone else here?

Deep down, I knew that they wouldn’t. Deep down, I knew that we were all here for each other, because we never had that support before. We were a group of Scalebornes making our way through life. Fighting for our lives, unlike anyone else.

There was a trigger inside of me that was about to explode, wanting to tell Damian all of my thoughts, but not sure if I was ready yet. I wanted to, but everything felt like a whirlwind that I couldn’t keep up with.

“Food is ready,” Angie shouted. Everyone else grabbed their starving stomachs and made their way to the fire.