Watching the difference the Scalebornes were making in each community, creating peace with dragons, made me wonder the difference we could make together at the level of the kingdom.
Smiling slightly, I glanced back at Damian, confidence filling my voice as I said, “Yes.”
“Then I will be with you every step of the way,” he said, his fingers squeezing my thigh.
As our gazes locked, a silent understanding passed between us, pulling us closer. The air crackled with anticipation as our movements synchronized, inching us toward an inevitablecloseness. The tension was thick between us. My heart pounded as we made eye contact, his soft brown eyes leaning into mine. His right hand lifted, caressing my cheek. His eyes squinted in a way that made me forget everything else in the world. His dimple made my knees weak every time I saw it.
Our bodies drew nearer to each other. The desire to have his lips on mine reverberated in my body. I wanted his hands on my thighs, face, lips, everywhere, and for his fingertips to touch every inch of my body.
Mere centimeters apart, his warm breath brushed against my wind-struck face, sending shivers down my spine and igniting an undeniable yearning for him. However, I couldn’t do it. Hesitating, I was held back by the weight of the betrayal lingering in my thoughts. The sorcerer’s face and words came to mind.“Tell her.”
I couldn’t do it.
Pulling my face away, his hands let go, lightly grazing my back as he released the hold of my cheeks. “Goodnight, Damian,” I longingly murmured, turning toward the opening of my tent, not wanting to look back at the remorse I knew was shown on his face.
Shivering on the cold tent floor, each breath a struggle against the freezing air, I thought of my last interaction with Damian. As I left him, silence hung heavy between us. I anticipated his voice, imagined him expressing regret once more, his words a constant echo in my mind. I longed for him to acknowledge his feelings, to affirm Clemmy’s words and the truth I desperately sought.
I wanted him to beg for me–to get down on his knees like I asked before. I wanted him to want me so badly that, even whenI pulled away, he pulled me in harder and closer. I wanted his touch to lie thickly on my body and for him to never let me go.
But he didn’t. He was respectful of what I said and wanted. ButHaxnau, that made me want him even more.
Lying on the ground, my body ached for his to be next to mine. I wanted the warmth of his body and his touch, and the heat from his breath brushing against my ear.
I needed him. I longed for him. I couldn’t wait any longer.
There was a fear inside of me that didn’t want to be seen as weak, that didn’t want to allow the desperation for him to ache inside of my heart. I realized how badly I wanted him, and I never wanted to let him leave me again.
Remembering what Clemmy said pushed me over the edge.“Take it and run.”Scales, I wanted to curse both the gatekeepers ofEzu3 andHaxnau. I wanted to yell at them and tell them their systems were senseless. The need was like a fire burning through me, wanting to yell at the Celestials. There was so much hatred in my body that needed to be released.
Haxnau, I couldn’t live without him a second longer. Approaching the door of the tent, my fingers trembled with anticipation as they reached for the roped ties. My numb fingers fumbled with the knot, releasing the tension between the flaps of the tent.
My chest heaved up and down, restlessness filling my body. As I dragged back the tent flap, the moon's feeble glow revealed a shadowy figure looming just beyond the fabric barrier, the form an eerie silhouette against the night.
It was Damian.
The rain intensified, pelting down relentlessly, cascading around him like a curtain of silver. Water streamed from every inch of his form, drenching him completely. His clothes clung to him like a second skin, suctioning to his body as it showed his abs, and every single muscle possibly found on his body.
Strands of his onyx-dark hair plastered to his forehead, while his chest rose and fell with each labored breath. His eyes were intense and sultry as he gazed in my direction.
My heart froze.
He dropped to his knees. “Aurelia, I have never needed anyone more in my entire life. I can’t breathe without you. My every thought and desire revolves around you. You once told me that I would beg for you. You were right. This is me. Begging to have you. Begging for you to be mine. Begging for the slightest option that you would give me a second chance. I will take you and love you for everything you ever were and will be. I care for you, Aurelia. Crave you. I’ve said this before, and I will say it always. But you’re the only treasure I ever need. The only gold I could ever want. Please, Aurelia,” he begged, his eyes pleading as the rain slipped down his hair, his face, his clothes. He was breathless, panting in need of air.
I couldn’t handle it anymore. I knelt to him and pulled his lips to mine. The rain was so thick and showered our bodies. Whatever coldness I felt disappeared with the warmth of his touch, and his skin. Everything about him lit up a fire in my body.
I only wanted him.
We kissed, and I didn’t realize the desire that I had for him until I was in his arms. He pulled my legs over his body, pulling me in closer. His hands trailed my back, leading up to my upper body, gripping my hair. His hold was so tight that I knew he would never let me go.
Our tongues collided and melted into each other. My body was electrified. The need for him ached and pounded in every part of me. My veins felt on fire, and my heart was pounding so quickly I wasn’t sure it would ever stop.
The wind outside became cold, making our bodies shiver. My fingers clenched the fabric of his shirt with a sudden, unexpectedintensity, yanking him into the tent in one swift motion, the flaps remaining open and free, neglected and forgotten.
1.Maxz (Mahz): Ability
2.Haxnau (Hah-nah-woo): Hell