Page 39 of Home Game

Screw that.

I leaned in, pressing my lips to his before he could do it first.

Stealing a kiss. Stealing the moment. I kissed him gently, but I let a little of my tongue slide over his lips, calling his bluff. My cock hardened again, and I vowed to ignore it.

“There,” I said, pulling back quickly. “Are you over it, yet? Can we get back to hating each other in peace?”

But his eyelids had dropped halfway. His lips were slick from the kiss, and instead of looking like he was messing around, he looked…

Hungry. Needy. Really fucking hot.

“Sure,” he said, his voice low. “We can hate each other as long as you keep kissing me like that.”



I didn’t know what was up with me, but I knew I wanted more.

More ofthat.

More of Emmett’s tongue on my lips. I wanted it in my mouth. Maybe I wanted it more places, too.

“I know you’re trying to shock me by kissing me even though you’re straight,” he said.

“Well, I want you to do that again,” I said, something stirring deep in my chest. “Does that shock you? Don’t really care if it does.”

I brought a hand forward, running it down the front of his shirt. I wasn’t hung up about the fact that he was a guy. He was just a mix of everything I’d always found attractive. His full lips, his lean but toned body, his silky hair… even the way his skin smelled like some warm, spiced vanilla.

They were always things I’d been attracted to in women, but I’d never found a guy quite like Emmett.

Hell, I’d never known a guy evencloseto what Emmett was.

His good looks were in a league of their own. Initially I’d noticed that there was something pretty about him, and that was definitely true. But he also had a streak of fierce passion beneaththe surface, and the combination turned me on in ways I’d never experienced before.

Certainly not with any guy.

“Christ,” he said. “The guys arerightover there.”

“Then come back to my place?” I murmured. “Or yours. Hell, it isn’t like our houses are far apart from each other.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” Emmett said, but he didn’t exactly sound mad about it. Didn’t look mad about it, either.

I reached a hand up to run my fingers through my hair. “You might be right. I do feel like I’m losing it, a little. I just also feel like I fucking loved that. And I want more.”

“Well, I don’t think you’re going to feel that way once you come back down to reality,” Emmett said, his gaze hardening. He breathed in deep, giving me a once over before nodding. “I’m heading home. Have a good night, Storm.”

He ducked back into the bar, and a minute later, I saw him leaving around the side of the place, walking over toward his dumb red Porsche that was still parked over in the Fixer Brothers office lot across the street.

Gone. Just like that. Leaving me here with one whole hell of a craving. Was he really just trying to mess with me, still, with that kiss? It sure felt like more. I couldn’t have been the only one who felt that attraction, unless I was way off-base.

But I wasn’t going to push it.

I wanted more, and I didn’t knowwhythe fuck I wanted more, but I wasn’t going to be an asshole. If Emmett didn’t want me, then that was that.

I could go home, jerk off, and go on with my life.

The first thing I saw when I turned onto my street a couple of hours later was the glimmer of dozens of little lights in Emmett’s front yard.