Curiosity stirred inside me. “Was there something in particular you wanted to talk to me about?”
“We can just chat next time you’re able to,” Chase said.
Hewasbeing cagey.
What could he possibly need to speak to me about?
“A client dropped a massive bombshell on me and my coworker this morning,” I told him. “We’re going to be working very late.”
“Sounds awful,” he said. “How about coming over to my place on Wednesday night, then?”
I paused for a moment, considering.
Just say yes. He wants you to be there.
“Yeah. Wednesday. I could do that.”
“We can have a party, cram pack the place with people, blow out the speakers with loud music.”
I snorted. “It’s like you already know my favorite things.”
“You know I’d never do that to you,” he said. “No. Just us, maybe a beer or two, and hell, I’ll even put on some soft, soothing piano music, if that’s what you’d like.”
“No need for that,” I said.
“Anything for you,” he said sweetly. I could picture the smile on Chase’s face—the dimples, the crinkling up near his eyes. “See you then, Adam. I’ll text you my address.”
God, Ilikedhim.
All of my usual social anxiety was still there with Chase, but it was like my insecurities took a backseat to how much I enjoyed myself every time we spoke.
I had moments where I felt like myself around him, which was saying a lot. Sometimes it took me months of knowing someone to even begin to feel like I could be myself, but with Chase, it was almost natural. It stirred up some affectionate place in my heart that was probably misplaced.
I walked the two blocks to the sandwich place and got in line, looking down at my phone as I waited.
ChillyIcyBlue had sent me back a private message, telling me that nothing got him off like my videos did.
Nowthatwas the kind of compliment that could get me through the rest of my work day.
I jotted back a reply before ordering my food.
AdamDix: If you want the honest truth, during my last video, I thought of you specifically.
I was shocked when I got a reply a minute later, waiting for my order to be ready.
ChillyIcyBlue: No way. You thought of me while you had your hand around your cock?
I swallowed hard, my eyes darting around me in the deli as if someone would be able to tell that I was exchanging filthy messages. But everyone else was absorbed in their own phones, staring at the meat counter, or talking to somebody else.
AdamDix: I thought of you as I came, actually. I don’t know you, but I like the comments you leave me. When I was about to lose control, I was hoping you in particular would enjoy the video.
ChillyIcyBlue: Hottest thing I have ever heard.
ChillyIcyBlue: Good God.
ChillyIcyBlue: Like, Adam, you have no idea. You’re making me hard, and I’m at work right now, and I cannot be hard.
ChillyIcyBlue: Fuck.